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Friday, September 3, 2010

Spa Peachy: Ms. A.B.H. Visit Seven to Advanced Derma Laser

Our first coverage of the fabulous spa, Advanced Derma Laser:
This defines the whole process!  You should read that first if you are new to Spa Peachy and Ms. Q.V.H. and Ms. A.B.H.  

Ms. Q.V.H. is on sabbatical and will be returning to her series at a later date.  We know you are sitting at the edge of your seats waiting to hear from her as laser hair removal has been high on her most desired list for quite some time and she has been thrilled with the process.  Ms. Q.V.H. love love loves Advanced Derma Laser!

Ms. A.B.H., on the other hand, was the height of apprehension when she began this process:

Well after visit seven, Ms. A.B.H. has three words for you if you ever thought about this and are scared:
Get over it.

You know, like that awesome song by Don Henley with the Eagles.  You go in, it happens, you leave and it is super quick-you hardly know it happens.  We think the zapping could become addictive, and in fact Ms. A.B.H. has become just as enthused about the whole process as Ms. Q.V.H.!  Keep in mind we are not advocating any old kind of laser hair removal.  We are recommending, and highly recommending you should note, having the process done with our Mover and Shaker Jennifer Kandemir at Advanced Derma Laser only.  Here she is as a Mover and Shaker:

Jennifer has told us the latest and greatest in laser hair removal right now is the St. Bart (short for Saint Barthélemy or St. Barth, if you are French.  We know we have French readers...)  The Brazilian is so so so yesterday, and we recommend you go for the St. Bart.  What is it?  Well for a black and white definition, you won't find that on Whom You Know as we consider ourselves a G-rated site, but you should absolutely contact Jennifer and talk to her about it.  St. Bart's is geographically speaking a overseas collectivity of France.  The St. Bart's we are talking about here with Jennifer metaphorically speaking bears a striking resemblance to the head of someone who is bald.  Jennifer tells us this is recommended because it is hygenic, eliminates friction, and is overall more comfortable and advantageous from a lifestyle perspective.   What do you like-sandpaper or satin?!?!?  Also, when you see a tree in a yard with nothing around it as opposed to a tree that is surrounded by landscaping, which do you think appears bigger?  Clearly, the St. Bart's by Advanced Derma Laser is coveted by both sexes alike no matter what their sexual orientation is.  Additionally, laser hair removal has become quite popular among adolescents who are going through the changes, and appear in locker rooms, boarding schools and other venues where unwanted hair does not allow you to put your best foot forward and they are opting for hair removal on the upper lip, back and stomach most frequently.  

Whom You Know highly recommends Advanced Derma Laser and the appointments are especially appreciated during the summer!  We are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and highly recommend this experience!


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