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Monday, January 31, 2011

Terrific Takeout: Vespa

Vespa is a terrific, hip Italian place on the Upper East side that has been around for years, and we don't want you to forget one tiny thing about it in both the wintertime and in the commotion that is called the second avenue subway by the Peachy checked it out for the takeout column. We started with the Insalatina Mista-mixed greens, arugula, and tomatoes and they did put the dressing on the side, as requested.  So fresh, this was the angelic beginning to a wonderful meal.

It always is a smart thing to ask a restaurant what their specials are...and Peachy asked Vespa.  A special of the night was the wonderfully juicy Ribeye steak which was grilled just right to medium well, as requested.  Sometimes we like to be a bit tricky with restaurants of a certain genre and see if they can do entrees outside of their regular fare-of course Vespa is Italian so we wanted to see how good the steak was and we can verify that it was a good one!  The accompanying mushrooms and garlic made it a real winner.
The grand finale was a pear tarte.  This may be the first pear tarte we've ever reviewed and we love the imagination of Vespa for being original!
Gigi is a great manager and his wife has a great sense of style-her ipad case even matched her scarf and she was delightful to chat with.
Vespa is terrific takeout!

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