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Monday, June 6, 2016

Chez Peachy: Crystal Renaissance Fine Lighting & Restorations by Matthew Santoro Rewires The Bunny Lamp, Restoring Perfection in Lighting at Whom You Know! Crystal Renaissance Fine Lighting & Restorations is Highly Recommended by Whom You Know for Rewiring Lamps.

by the Bunny Lamp

If you like reading Whom You Know, delighted to meet you! I am personally responsible for the lighting so Peachy Deegan can see in this regard. (In other sight matters, get excited for Peachy's exclusive upcoming interview with the amazing Oleg at Surreal Eyewear!) When people enter New York, they see the Statue of Liberty...and so I am a bit like her. I light the way of Whom You Know. Matthew says I might even be from Paris. I made my debut into Peachy's life many years ago at Christmas as a gift from her grandparents and I fit the exact tiny real estate spot on her desk to properly light the beloved Lenovo.

Just like many things in this world, aging has played a role in my life. Although my looks are still pristine, my inner wirings started to go. One day, Peachy plugged me in and nothing happened! We were both equally horrified, and you know Peachy's not an electrician by any means. How was she going to see? What was going to become of me? Was my life over? Was she going to get a younger, newer, hotter model? 

Matthew rewired me!~! 
What does that mean?

Listen to Matthew Santoro:
"I am not a licensed electrician, or electrician of any kind in the sense of electrician by 'trade,' nor am I a member of any electricians' union. My knowledge of electricity is limited to decorative lamps and lighting fixtures, chandeliers (new, vintage, antique, period and historical), and all styles of wall sconces and floor lamps. To elaborate, I am expert in the field of all decorative lighting, and expert in re-finishing and restoration, as well as appraisals. My staff and myself are authorized and insured to 'install' chandeliers and wall sconces, but not authorized to work on circuit breakers or wiring within walls or ceilings. 

We first determine the cause of the lamp's problem by inspecting the wire for any rips or tears which may leave bare wires exposed. If there is no wire exposed, we will use a circuit tester to determine if there is a short. Usually, the circuit tester will BUZZ repeatedly if there was a short in the lamp. The tester, in this case, has a transformer which cuts the voltage to prevent sparking or popping. In the case of Ms. Rabbit, the cord was operable but the plug was worn out. We replaced the plug with one of superior quality, and added a 'hi/lo' line dimmer switch on the cord. We added this line switch because the lamp had to be plugged in to the wall and was not able to be operated manually. 

The proper name for the switch we used is simply called a 'HI/LO LINE DIMMER SWITCH 200 WATT MAXIMUM.' This switch has a maximum wattage of 200 watts, and when clicked, it cuts the wattage in half. In the case of Ms. Rabbit, there is a maximum wattage of 60 watts for this socket. Clicking once is the full wattage, clicking a second time will dim the wattage by half, and clicking a third time will turn it off. 

I am not sure of the year this lamp was made, but it looks to be a Beatrix Potter style Rabbit lamp of vintage quality. Certain parts of the lamp were made in Europe, possibly Paris, in judging the shade and socket shell. An American candelabra socket was installed in the socket shell. The remainder of parts indicate the vintage to be either mid to late 1960s or early 1970s. 

Lamp collectors should be aware of a few things when displaying their collectible lamps, whether vintage, antique or period: Wiring should be checked, as well as socketry and plugs. In many cases, old lamps have old wiring, and, just because the wiring may be workable, it does not mean it is safe. If it has old wiring, the lamp should be re-wired with new UL code recognized lamp cord of a durable quality. People very often ignore the wiring until there is a 'short' or a 'spark,' which is guaranteed to happen in due time. Lamps purchased from vintage stores or antique stores are usually sold 'as is'--and the dealer does not want to put the time or money into the proper wiring. 

Electrical fires can be started in many ways: an exposed wire on a lamp touching a piece of metal, can cause a pop and a spark which can lead to a fire. Loose wires inside a chandelier, lamp, wall sconce or floor lamp are other causes--and of course, too many plugs in one outlet is also a huge factor in electrical fires."
-Matthew Santoro

Because we met our new friend, Matthew Santoro, all my problems are solved! We just wish Peachy's grandparents were here to see how their quality purchase has endured over time!
Crystal Renaissance Fine Lighting and Restorations is Highly Recommended by Whom You Know for lamp rewirings.

Matthew Santoro, Owner, CCBW (Chief Cook and Bottle Washer) 
Chandelier Stylist and Antique Lighting Expert

Matthew, or "Matty" as he is more commonly known, began his love affair with fine art, history and crystal chandliers more than 35 years ago while working for some of New York City's most prestigious designer lighting showrooms. Under the auspices of some of the great chandelier masters in the United States and Europe alike, Matty honed his skills as a designer of custom crystal chandeliers and studied antique lighting of the 18th and 19th century. His knowledge of antique lighting took him into the realm of restoration and replication throughout the United States, as well as projects overseas. His creative restorations and re-interpretations of antique lighting has made him a valuable asset to interior designers and antique aficionados everywhere. His work can be seen in some of Long Island's most prestigious antique galleries, where dealers seek his advise on appraisals as well as restoration. His custom creations served the likes of Star Jones, Donald Trump, and some of the most influential interior designers in New York. Many of these designers worked with Matty where he was instrumental in the brilliant restorations at Tavern on The Green, The Pierre Hotel, Steinway Hall, and Ralph Lauren's flagship store on Madison Avenue.

His mission is to educate all interior designers, antique dealers, homeowners as well as aficionados on the value, beauty, superior craftsmanship and timelessness of these classic masterpieces of bygone artistry and manufacture. With a specialty in the English Cut Glass chandelier in the tradition of Thomas Osler, William Perry and Robert Adam our museum quality restorations and historically accurate replications are unsurpassed in the industry, using state of the art technical knowledge combined with the artistry and attention to detail in the shadow of the old world masters. Our knowledge of the lost art of the chandelier doesn’t mean we are more expensive- it just means we know our craft like no other

The word “chandelier” comes from the French word “chandelle”, meaning candleholder. It is defined as a lighting device, whether candle powered or electrical, with two or more branches, or arms, suspended from a ceiling in order to light a space.
The word “renaissance” means to be born anew; a rebirth-or giving new life to that which is old. It is a revival of the classical orders of art and design.

We also define chandeliers as “JEWELRY FOR THE HOME”, and like any fine jewelry–their brilliance and splendor is what is most appealing to the eye. Therefore, the RENAISSANCE of this JEWELRY is what makes THE FINE ART OF THE CHANDELIER,

For more than 35 years, the multi-talented artisans and designers of CRYSTAL RENAISSANCE FINE LIGHTING, INC., have dedicated their lives to the rebirth and new life of old, dull, and neglected antique chandeliers, wall sconces and lamps alike. Our fascination with history combined with a love affair of fine art in every period and genre enable us to re-interpret the most dramatic significance of these special heirlooms for the enjoyment of future generations. You may say that we re-create today’s antiques for tomorrow, preserving their integrity to be handed down again and again.

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