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Monday, April 6, 2009

New York Notes: The Moment After by Marcus Goldhaber

In his debut album, Marcus Goldhaber firmly established his classy style singing smoothly along the bars of each of the twelve featured songs. Whom You Know loved "Walking My Baby Back Home," "I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter," and "That Old Feeling" the best, although the whole album is a winner. Peachy Deegan has heard him in person in Manhattan, and she is looking forward to his appearances beginning later this month, which Whom You Know will of course let you know about.

Goldhaber commented on the album's title: "A major theme for this record is very much about being open to all kinds of inspiration and being ready to embrace the challenges and fears that surround love and relationships. This title helps to express my willingness to confront my heart and trust myself enough to be carried away in different situations."

Please see prior coverage featuring Marcus as Mover and Shaker!

Look forward to future coverage featuring the newer release: Take Me Anywhere


This was done by Fallen Apple Records:

This label was created out of the idea that the apple does not fall very far from the tree. There are many ways in which people learn, listen and create music. I believe this all stems from our parents and those that came before us. We are humbly a product of our experience growing up around our family. Personally, I have my grandparents and my mother to thank for this influence as a child and even more so in my life today.

I am lucky to have been raised with this music and blessed to be able to pass it on through song to both the older and younger generations. Music is a road on which we all travel and it can, in some way, help us to find connections with each other beyond any differences. This is the key to achieving balance and improving our existence together throughout our lives. We have all been granted talents and we use them to benefit and connect with ourselves or those around us. I have been given music and so that is what I will give. Anything I have, I will return. Any professional musicians who share this idea are welcome to submit their music to Fallen Apple Records.

With this mission, so is established – FALLEN APPLE RECORDS.

- Marcus Goldhaber

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