Sweet Dreams are Made of These: Brookstone's Tempur-Pedic Extra-Thick Swedish Neck Pillow
Note: This is not Peachy Deegan pictured above; if it were Peachy, her smile would be MUCH bigger.
We spend so much on face creams, sheets with the right thread count, lovely things to wear to bed, however, if you don't have the right pillow, you will not get the proper sleep and these other bedtime items won't matter so much!
Whom You Know highly recommnends Brookstone's Tempur-Pedic Extra-Thick Swedish Neck Pillow! Peachy Deegan loves it so much that she cannot go anywhere without it....(to sleep that is. She does not bring it out and about in Manhattan...)
This is the original pressure-relieving Tempur-Pedic® pillow, with an extra half-inch of support. Whom You Know is happy to further recommend that extra half-inch-if you are like the Princess and the Pea like Peachy, you will be able to tell too.
What we love love love about it:
*The pressure-relieving TEMPUR® material responds to body temperature and weight to create a custom fit that's always just right.
*The orthopedic design supports the natural curve of your spine, shoulders, neck and head, alleviating pressure and promoting healthy alignment.
*It is the only pillow recommended by more than 25,000 medical professionals worldwide.
At Brookstone:
SKU# 192880p
When we get our proper sleep at Whom You Know, there is nothing that we cannot do! If we do not get our proper sleep...! This fabulous pillow ensures that we will all be Sleeping Beauty, Prince not included or required!
In Manhattan:
West 57th Street #263
20 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019
Rockefeller Center #152
16 West 50th Street
New York, NY 10020