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Friday, August 21, 2009

Etiquette from Connecticut: Do Not Splash in the Pool

In a city such as Manhattan, it is nearly impossible to have your own pool. So, we share! A little Etiquette from Connecticut on the matter from Peachy Deegan:

*Do not swim like a tidal wave
This means when you jump in and do your laps, do not pretend you are the next tsunami. Just because you try to get all of the water out of the pool with all your might, trying to show how powerful your stroke is, you actually are ruining people's hair, getting water up their nose, and being obnoxious. A little grace goes a long way, and this goes for both sexes

*Stay to the right
A common problem in navigating whatever terrain- pool included. There is nothing worse than someone goggle-faced headed straight towards you like a tidal wave on the left side about to give you a bloody nose or a head but.

*Do not kick others
Peachy Deegan has been known to get a bruise or two from big bruisers in the pool waters of Manhattan. Be aware of those around you, observe the personal space rule, and keep your feet (and arms, this also means no hitting) to yourself

*You do not own the pool
Keep in mind it is not your bathtub or any other other bathroom fixture

*You cannot backstroke in a crowded pool (unless you have eyes in the back of your head.)

As most Etiquette from Connecticut columns, the bottom line is BE CONSIDERATE!

We all love to enjoy the pool and it is so much more pleasant when we use our manners.

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