NIGHTLIGHT: Accademia Italiana della Cucina at Serafina
Last night, Peachy Deegan was welcomed into the Italian community by the Accademia Italiana della Cucina at one of our recommended Peachy's Picks, Serafina! The crowd was of course overwhelmingly Italian and quite sophisticated in the culinary arts. On a monthly basis, they visit new locations and represent Italy as a cultural institution. Chapters exist all over the world!
They were successful in promoting Italian culture last night to be certain as even Peachy Deegan, super critical and super analytical herself, felt she had met her match in terms of the level of food critique that provoked friendly discussion all evening as each course was rated by table. And she even learned a bit of Italian! Back when she was a student in Ireland, her favorite roommate Monica Silva was from Milan, so Monica if you are reading be sure to post a comment!
Our Mover and Shaker, Alessandra Rotondi moderated the evening:
Our Mover and Shaker, Vittorio Assaf was a gracious host:
The night began with Prosecco Zonin, a fabulous start paired with the Aperitivo: Focaccia al Prosciutto e Fichi (Figs). Just lovely! You know if you read our review on Serafina that we love their Focaccia at Whom You Know. Our full review of Serafina:
Next was the Antipasto Carpaccio di cuori di carciofi e gamberetti al basilico. The shrimp was perfect thought Peachy! The dish, artichoke hearts and small shrimp with basil, was fabulously fresh and flavorful. Although we learned last night that it was not until the 18th century that artichokes were prevalent here in the US, in Italy they have been used everyday for a long time. Here it is: Serafina did an outstanding job all evening, especially considering how many were in attendance (possibly 60) and all ate the same meal at the same time! Their caring attention to detail is unsurpassed in this city. It was served with Bianco: Vermentino di Sardegna (Sella and Mosca) and this was also served with the next course, Trenette al pesto di Portofino con fagioli e patate which is pasta with pesto, beans and potatoes. We were regaled with stories of Benedict the 6th and his love of potatoes by Berardo Paradiso, President of the IACE, Italian American Committee on Education.
"This dinner was interesting and different and it successfully appealed to the Academia's taste for Italian Fusion," said Berardo. "Serafina pleases the sophisticated palette of the Upper East side and the combination of tuna and ginger was superb." The next course was the Tonno grigliato del principe di Napoli con salsa di zenzero caramellato e julienne di porri : Grilled tuna Naples style with a sauce of caramelized ginger and vegetables. The tuna was sushi quality and was wonderful! Served with Rosso: Montepulciano d'Abruzzo (Zonin) and Contorno spinaci e pure di patate it was a hit! See here:
The whole night was a winner in fact, but you knew it would be since we already recommended Serafina! The tiramisu was exquisite and was paired with Pizza dolce alle mele verdi- that is sweet pizza with green apples! The final wine served was Vino dolce: Moscato d'Asti Strev (Marenco).
Vittorio Assaf let us know that it takes 15 minutes to shake the tiramisu by hand, and it is "Mauri" from Italy. Their buffalo mozzarella also is from Italy and the Galloni prosciutto is from Parma. What more could you want! A fabulous night was had by all and although she is not, Peachy Deegan felt very Italian last night!