Whom You Know has Grown Exponentially and is Viewed All Around the World in Many Languages!
In the last 24 hours, Whom You Know was read predominantly in English, but also in descending order Italian, French, Spanish, Chinese, Swedish, Russian, Polish, Japanese and Greek. We wonder if there is grammar differentiation in each of those languages as there is between "Who" and "Whom" in English, and if it translates properly!
Let us know if you are reading in another language by posting a comment.
Of course, we are predominantly read in the United States but also in descending order (percentage) we have been read in the UK, Italy, Australia, Belgium, Romania, United Arab Emirates, Belarus, Switzerland, Spain, France, Greece, India, Vietnam, Japan, Mexico, Malaysia, Nigeria, Poland, Sweden, Singapore and Tunisia also in the last 24 hours. It is a small world after all!