Sick Peachy Feels Better with the Cooling Pearl Ice Mask by Sephora
This mask, when chilled in the freezer, revives your eyes to a perky condition that is maximized after wearing it for about 15 minutes. The innovative eye mask is filled with tiny glass beads enclosed in thermal plastic. Peachy cooled hers by placing it in the freezer this summer but now she is warming it by placing it into a bowl of warm water. The Velcro closure makes for the perfect fit.
It is great particularly in the onset of the cold weather for opening up your breathing passages when the mask is warmed up first, fabulous for disguising lack of sleep, and of course, most of all, alleviates stress!
It is great particularly in the onset of the cold weather for opening up your breathing passages when the mask is warmed up first, fabulous for disguising lack of sleep, and of course, most of all, alleviates stress!
It can be found at all Sephora locations in Manhattan for $26.