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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rogue Tomate of Peachy's Picks: Help Haiti by Dining Out

From our friends at Rouge Tomate, which we have recommended (to see the recommendation, click here):

Few would fail to be moved by the heartbreaking images of Haiti’s recent earthquake. Humanitarian efforts continue in the wake of the terrible disaster but many of us not in the international emergency services or NGOs are left wondering, “What can I do to help?”

The answer is simply whatever we can. In that spirit, on Sunday the 24th and Monday the 25th of January, a group ofNYC restaurants, including Rouge Tomate, will be donating up to 10% of all sales and are encouraging our staff to donate as well.

The money will be donated to a selection of humanitarian organizations to feed, clothe, and provide much needed medicines.

We hope you will join us in our effort.   Please make a reservation for Monday January 25th!
If you cannot join us, you can also text 90999 to donate $10 to the American Red Cross

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