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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Whom You Know thinks Fiber Gourmet's Lite Nacho Snacks are Fabulous!


The panel reports:

Cheese crackers with a little kick to them, Fiber Gourmet's Light Nacho Snacks hit just the right spot.  Despite having a higher fiber content than other brands of cheese crackers, the taste certainly isn't sacrificed.  Finishing a bag that's little over 1 oz, I'm amazed at how it managed to fill me up and it didn't need to do so by overdoing the flavoring and fillers.  I'll definitely reach for these the next time I get the munchies.

Low Calorie Cheese crackers with a kick! Want to take your snacking up a notch? Try the munchable Lite Nacho Snacks. At 80 calories, they pack offers you a decent amount to satisfy  your cravings. Fiber Gourmet does a great job of balancing flavor while keeping it healthy and packed with nutrition: most specifically fiber.  

Fiber Gourmet, Lite-Nacho Snacks – with only 80 calories provides 50% more snack per pack than other competitors.  The total fat per serving is only 2 grams, which equals only 3% of your daily value.   Fiber Gourmet, Lite-Nacho Snacks, satisfying nacho flavor delights without the guilt of high sodium as other rivals have.

The nacho's are my favorite.  Little more cheese taste than the cheese snacks.  There is no weird aftertaste, they are low in calories and have a huge amount of fiber.  Best way to snack through the afternoon or evening without the guilt. 

Fiber Gourmet’s Lite Nacho Snacks are the perfect mid-afternoon snack.  While most “100-calorie packs” just leave you wanting more, this 80 calorie snack pack simply has more substance.  And the flavor has just enough kick to make these Lite Nacho Snacks seem like a real treat.  

I just love the tasty flavor of the "Lite Nacho Snacks". Definitely not over-whelming with spices, very mild and cheesey. There is just enough in a
pack to satisfy your in-between meal hunger with only 80 calories. A keeper.

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