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Friday, April 16, 2010

Reason #47 and #48: Whom You Know Loves the Kate Spade Stroller By Maclaren. Excellent for Parents of all Heights!

We first covered this fabulously fashionable and functional work of art:

And we gave a first update:

Then we gave it a second update:
With every week that passes, every walk we take, I'm more in love with the Kate Spade Buggy by Maclaren.  Reason #47?  My husband has no excuse not to push this buggy around the neighborhood, in the mall, or through the park.  The handles are just the right height - for both my 5'6" frame and his 6'10" structure - so  that means his "My back hurts" excuse simply holds no water here.  The colors and pattern are simple and classic, not gender-specific, so his usual "There is no self-respecting guy that would push/carry/wear that thing" just doesn't hold water here.  And while I'm not sure why or how this stroller is a comfortable fit for both of us, and it's hard to believe we've found a stroller that we both feel good about pushing around.  I'm just going to bask in the glory of this incredible find and enjoy a little down time while my husband picks up the slack.  Oh, and there are other neat features on this Kate Spade Buggy, too.  My favorite is the behind-the-seat pocket that is just the right size to keep my keys, wallet, and phone while shopping or just walking around the park.  One of my other strollers had smaller, multiple pockets that made it necessary for me to put my phone in one spot, keys in a second, and wallet somewhere else.  Another one of them has no pockets at all, and a third has only one tiny compartment attached to the handles and a large, open compartment beneath.  I'd sometimes choose the stroller I'd use on a particular day depending on where I was going and what kind of supplies I'd need to have with me for the adventure.  Now that we have the buggy, we've become more of a one-stroller kind of family.  And that's reason #48 to love the Kate Spade Buggy by Maclaren. 

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