An Update from Our Mover and Shaker, Jessica Lappin
We featured Jessica as a Mover and Shaker:
Here is an update from her!
In This Bulletin:· Fighting Air Pollution
· School Waitlists· Safer Streets and Sidewalks
· Free Bike Helmet Giveaway· Mammogram Van· Internship Opportunity
Fighting Air PollutionLappin launches campaign for cleaner air
In response, I’ve brought together a coalition of local businesses, environmental activists, and community leaders to take on our worst polluters: our buildings. Nearly 80% of the greenhouse gases in our city come from buildings. If we can make a significant impact on this source of pollution, we’ll be making huge strides toward promoting a healthier environment for all. You can watch NY1’s coverage of the launch of this coalition by clicking here.
There are lots of steps that buildings can start taking right now to become greener and cleaner.
Switching to biodiesel fuel can reduce greenhouse emissions by up to 85% almost immediately and reduce airborne toxins by almost 90%. The great thing about biodiesel is that you don’t need to upgrade the equipment in your building. It works fine with most existing boilers and can be started right away. In addition, installing energy efficient lighting and appliances will reduce the demand for power across the board. Planting green roofs increases insulation, absorbs carbon dioxide, and releases oxygen. These are all huge steps forward that almost any building can take and we hope they will. The coalition will be reaching out to our friends, neighbors, and landlords to educate folks on what they can be doing.
Want to help? Forward this to your landlord or co-op board. You can also call my office to learn more.
School WaitlistsLocal students placed on kindergarten waitlists again
For the second year in a row, local elementary schools are holding lotteries for kindergarten spots. Nearly 200 families are now on wait lists for PS 290, PS 183, and PS 59. This is frustrating for parents, confusing for children, and completely unacceptable.
Many factors, including the economy and the recent building boom, have contributed to the overcrowding in our schools. We’ve made some progress, but we still have a long way to go. You can learn more about this situation by reading this article from the New York Times.
If your child is on the waitlist for their neighborhood school, it is important to know that your child will have a school seat next fall, though it may not be in the school for which you are zoned. We know from last year’s experience that many, if not most, children will get into their zoned school. However, for those who do not, the DOE will be opening a new school – PS 267 – in September. I believe that this will be a great school and an exciting option for families.
In the meantime, I will be pushing the DOE to ensure that they are doing everything they can to meet the needs of the parents and children in this community. If you are on a wait list or know someone who is, please contact my office to get further information and the latest updates.
Many factors, including the economy and the recent building boom, have contributed to the overcrowding in our schools. We’ve made some progress, but we still have a long way to go. You can learn more about this situation by reading this article from the New York Times.
If your child is on the waitlist for their neighborhood school, it is important to know that your child will have a school seat next fall, though it may not be in the school for which you are zoned. We know from last year’s experience that many, if not most, children will get into their zoned school. However, for those who do not, the DOE will be opening a new school – PS 267 – in September. I believe that this will be a great school and an exciting option for families.
In the meantime, I will be pushing the DOE to ensure that they are doing everything they can to meet the needs of the parents and children in this community. If you are on a wait list or know someone who is, please contact my office to get further information and the latest updates.
Safer Streets and Sidewalks
Lappin takes on dangerous intersections
Of the 50 most dangerous intersections in New York City, over half are in Manhattan and 14% are on the Upper East Side alone. Everyone knows where those dangerous intersections are. Now it’s time to do something about it.
During the week of April 19, I will be leading an effort in the City Council on a project called Complete Streets Week. Partnering with AARP, teams of New Yorkers from across the five boroughs will take to the streets to survey the conditions at dangerous intersections all over the city. We’ll provide teams with a survey tool to help make things easier. The survey is simple. You can select the street or streets you want to survey and then you go out and do it with as many of your friends and neighbors as you’d like. After the surveys are completed, we’ll be compiling the data and taking it to the Department of Transportation to advocate for the changes our communities need. Please contact my office if you are interested in learning more or participating in this very important week of activity.
I’m also pleased that my legislation requiring the NYPD to publish traffic-related statistics on its website will be receiving a hearing in the Council’s Public Safety Committee on April 28. We all know anecdotally where the dangerous intersections are, but it’s nearly impossible to get hard data. This bill will change that and allow everyone access to the information they need to most effectively advocate for their community. The hearing is going to be held on April 28 at 10 a.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. It is open to the public and all are invited to attend. Please contact my office if you are interested in testifying that day.
Free Bike Helmet Giveaway
Helmets for all ages available April 17
I’m partnering with the Department of Transportation again this year to give away free bike helmets for children and adults. Come to Carl Schurz Park on Saturday, April 17 between 10 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to get your helmet. We’ll be at the main entrance on East End and 86th Street. There are a limited number of helmets and they’re given out on a first come, first serve basis so be sure to get there early. They go fast.
Mammogram Van
Free screenings available
Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among New York City women. Having regular mammograms greatly increases the likelihood of early detection and successful cancer treatment. I am pleased to announce that I will be sponsoring a Mobile Mammogram Van with the American Italian Cancer Foundation and the Sutton Area Community (SAC) on Wednesday, April 28th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Sutton Place Synagogue, located at 225 East 52nd Street (between Second and Third Avenue).
If you can’t make it that day, I’ll be sponsoring a second opportunity with AICF on Monday, May 17th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Lenox Hill Senior Center, located at 343 East 70th Street (corner of First Avenue).
Please contact Taina Prado in my District Office at 212-980-1808 to schedule an appointment. Please note that no walk-ins are allowed, everyone must make an appointment. I hope that you or someone you know will take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. Space is limited, so call as soon as possible to ensure availability.
If you can’t make it that day, I’ll be sponsoring a second opportunity with AICF on Monday, May 17th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Lenox Hill Senior Center, located at 343 East 70th Street (corner of First Avenue).
Please contact Taina Prado in my District Office at 212-980-1808 to schedule an appointment. Please note that no walk-ins are allowed, everyone must make an appointment. I hope that you or someone you know will take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. Space is limited, so call as soon as possible to ensure availability.
Internship Opportunity
College and high school internships available this summer
My office is currently looking for our team of summer interns. We’re looking for a dedicated group of high school and college students who are willing to work in my legislative or district offices. It’s an excellent opportunity to get a close first hand look at local government. Interns will respond to constituent and community concerns, attend hearings, and take on special projects of interest to the community. Interested students should contact Taina Prado by calling (212) 980-1808 or e-mailing
Contact Us
330 East 63rd Street, Suite 1K
New York, NY 10065
Phone: (212) 980-1808
Fax: (212) 980-1828
We look forward to hearing from you.