NIGHTLIGHT: Gram Skincare Launch at Dos Caminos is a Hit!!! The Beautiful People of Whom You Know were Pleased to Meet Dr. Gram!
In our previous 778 posts in Product Alert, you will find few that are a Nightlight, but Gram Skincare is an innovate brand from California on the cutting edge, so Peachy Deegan and the beautiful people of Whom You Know had to check them out. The Whom You Know team was invited to attend GRAM Skincare's official launch event on July 27, held at Dos Caminos - Midtown. In between being feted with delicious margaritas and guacamole and chips and hors d'oeuvres, the GRAM team, along with Dr. Gram himself, introduced us to this new and exciting skincare line that addresses the effects of different types of inflammation and its effects on skin. The steak on a stick was especially delicious...
Inflammation, whether due to environmental, physical damage or hormonal fluctuations, is enemy #1 to healthy skin and the GRAM Skincare line provides a line of defense against inflammation. Us busy gals (and guys) on the go and with a packed, stressful and busy lifestyle can undoubtedly benefit from this new line of skincare. Attendees at the launch event got to have special photo-imaging pictures taken, whereby the staff at GRAM will analyze the condition of our skin and will send us products suited to our individual needs. We at Whom You Know can't wait to try out the GRAM skincare line!
As I descended the stairs at the Dos Caminos at 50th and 3rd, I felt a little tingle - and that was before my first sip of margarita! No, it wasn't chilly; I was just feeling excited about the launch of a new skincare line. Okay, call me a beauty dork, a product junkie, whatever you want - but I LOVE beauty products. And this line, in particular, had occupied my thoughts since I first read about it a few weeks ago. Developed by Dr. Gram (a compounding pharmacist and skincare activist) GRAM Skincare addresses the skin's #1 enemy, chronic cutaneous inflammation, by using carefully selected, high-quality ingredients combined with effective delivery of the active ingredients to help ensure maximum benefits. Apple stem cell technology, lavender, oatmeal, Vitamin K, green tea, Vitamin C, chamomile, and aloe vera are among the key players in the GRAM Skincare products, and they work together to combat chronic cutaneous inflammation, which can lead to all kinds of undesirable issues including fine lines and wrinkles, acne, uneven skin tone, and dark circles/puffiness under the eyes. One skincare line that can fight all of these things? I think my tingle on the staircase was warranted!
When I entered the room, I was whisked off to a back corner for my "reveal photo" - which sounds a lot racier than it is! Using special technology, the camera used actually photographs through four layers of skin. Dr. Gram looks at the photos and is able to see what's going on beneath the surface of the skin - where there's too much inflammation, etc., and this helps him to determine which products can best help each individual. Very cool, in a slightly eerie way! As the attendees at the launch munched on the yummy appetizers (chips & guacamole, skirt steak skewers and more!) and sipped their margaritas & sangria, Dr. Gram himself made the rounds, pausing to speak with everyone and answer questions about the products. It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening, and I can't wait to hear from Dr. Gram about the results of my "reveal photo!" Oh, and lest any guys out there think this is all a bit too girly, you can sleep easy now - Dr. Gram also has a men's line! Peachy Deegan is going to put the gentlemen of Whom You Know to work too... No excuses now - GRAM Skincare truly does have something for everyone!
We look forward to discussing the results of our reveal photo, which will hopefully continue to make each of us look the 10+ years younger than we really are...! If Dr. Gram can keep this facade up, maybe he will be a Mover and Shaker someday!