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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

BINU Natural Soap debuts it's Soap des Artiste at this Summer's NYIGF

The Elite Chez Peachy took a look at the Fairy Soap, and tried it:

This has to be one of the prettiest soaps I've ever laid eyes on, and used on my skin, albeit reluctantly because it really is a thing of beauty.  No surprise, the founder of Binu Natural Soap is actually a sculptor and it shows in her line of breathtakingly beautiful and detailed line of soaps.  This particular soap is not just eye candy, but it's actually ideal for my dry and sensitive skin.  It's all-natural and leaves a light and herbally fresh hint of lavender behind.  It's great for that wind-down shower or bath at night, right before heading into a nice, peaceful slumber.

This beautiful soap by Binu is so unique it makes you not want to use it! The detail on of the fairy smelling flowers is unforgettable. The lavender soap calms you and your skin. It lathers up perfectly and doesn't leave a sticky residue. It's a great soap to have on display in your guest bathroom.  

The binu soap in sherbert fairy soap in purple is gorgeous! It is one of my favorites. I love that the ingredients are all natural. They include jojoba oil and vitamin E, great for making your skin feel soft. The scent is also delightful, and washing my hands is now both an enjoyable and aesthetic experience.

"They're too pretty to use", say most 'passer-buyers' after their initial glance of BINU Natural Soaps.  They then come to their senses and realize a delightful scent of Lavender, Green-tea, Patchouli or Bergamont is captured in a quintessential meeting of art and beauty in a 4 oz.natural soap sculpture.  Both visually and aromatically delightful, these soaps are a nice treat for you and the perfect gift for someone special.

BINU's founder So Jeong Lee, a Korean sculpture and newly inventive soap-maker, first introduced her artistic hand-made natural soaps at the Festival Marketplace in Pompano Beach, Florida in 2009.  Most customers stand, intrigued by the sight of something so practical, yet so beautiful.  Somewhat 'museum-like' in their stature and gaze,  BINU's customers are first introduced by the delightful invitation to 'pick them up and smell them, or by the proud disclaimer that they're wonderful for your skin. So Jeong is simply trying to create a brand that accentuates beauty through artistic means. She seems to be onto to something different, as customers realize that everything from her choice of scents, colors and selective packaging is embedded in her soaps.

BINU is making it's New York debut at this summer's NYIGF- New York's Newest in 2010. Natural soaps have never lookd so beautiful.  Made with natural essential oils, goat's milk, jojoba oils and other fine ingredients;  'BINU' is simply ... 'Soap' (in Korean), smirks the artist.  Yet, unique in a way that doesn't claim to be made with recycled bio-fuels or even indigenous flowers from Provence (myth that the finest soaps must come from France). BINU is simply ... 'too pretty to use', winks the Soap-maker /Artist.

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