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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Champagne Wishes: Whom You Know Highly Recommends Bailey's Blonde Ale and Whale's Tale Pale Ale by Cisco Brewers of Nantucket!!!

Peachy Deegan was a beer connoisseur the most in her Boston College days and while she lived in Ireland, but now she is turning back time and really getting into it again now that she has discovered a wonder from Nantucket!  Like Legal Sea Foods Clam Chowder, the beer from Cisco Brewers was about the only thing that made her happy while she watched The Holy War (BC vs. Notre Dame football) this year.  Don't look up the score it will hurt your eyes.

We started with the Whale's Tale Pale Ale:
Tasting notes: An amber English-style ale that has a nice balance between hops and malt. It's the most popular of the beers and the most versatile in terms of pairing with food or people.
Randy's comment: "Whale's Tale is brewed with a blend of British and domestic malts and dry-hopped with a kiss of Kent Golding Hops. I love really strong hops but I made this more balanced so [my charming and lovely wife*] Wendy would like it." *(Author's note)
About the Name: If you're not familiar with Nantucket history, you'll be interested to know that this tiny island was once the Whaling Capital of the World. Knowing a bit of the history of a place can really help put life in perspective, and I like to encourage people to spend part of their time here visiting the Whaling Museum, the Oldest House, and the windmill. Calling our beer "Whale's Tale" is a little tribute to the whaling era and a way to say hey, whales are people too! Let's appreciate their contribution to Nantucket's prosperity.
P.S. "Whale's Tails Prince of Wales" is also a drinking game that Randy and Wendy played (independently, for they did not yet know one another) in their raucous youth, but that's another sordid story or two altogether

and the Bailey's Ale:
Tasting notes: A light golden-colored, medium-bodied ale with a floral nose and a crisp citrus finish.
Randy's comment: "I aimed for this ale to be a summer refresher, paying homage to two American classics: Sierra Nevada's Pale Ale and Anchor's Liberty Ale."
About the Name: As the label says, this is "a hoppy blonde ale named after our happy blonde lab." We figured that so many other microbreweries named beers after dogs that there must be something to it... and there is! We find a lot of people buy Bailey's just because they like the profile in the logo. And that's just great! In fact we relate totally because we love our doggy too. (If you're really into the dog thing, check out our Bailey look-alike coasters on the dry goods merchandise page.)

The Champagne Wishes Panel put their Champagne Flutes aside to make room for some fabulous taste from Nantucket, and they rave:

I like my ale the way I like my women, a light golden color with a medium build and a floral citrus scent.  That is why I drink Baileys Blonde Ale, a beer light enough to drink during the hot mid day sun while offering great beer taste with body. Cisco Brewer did a great job crafting a beer that is refreshing and tasty enough for the most finicky beer drinker.  Whether relaxing on the beach on a hot summer day or in a bar after long days work, Baileys Blonde ale is the beer that will not disappoint.  Next was Whale’s Tale Pale have to love the names that Cisco brewers come up with for their beers! The names are unique and each has a back story that relates either to the beer makers or Nantucket .  Whale’s Tale Pale Ale is a favorite of mine for football tailgating food.  This ale has a deeper taste that goes great with grilled sausage or bowl of chili. The balaced flavors of this ale appeals to the novice beer drinker and to the beer fanatic.  Tailgaters tip: boil brats in Whale’s Tale Pale Ale to give the sausage another level of taste.

First off, I love the packaging.  The old school paper finish is great.  It's boutiquey and distinctive and it really sets the brand apart.  From the moment I began drinking each of the beers, I was sold.  They are distinctly flavorful and I really love blonde ales.   The Whale's Tale has a catchy name and would be especially enjoyed in Hartford right now with the rebranding of the Connecticut Whale hockey team, which of course is the farm team of the New York Rangers.  I used to like Sam Adams quite a bit but it became too common and mass-marketed; Cisco Brewers is much more Whom You Know.  I'm going to start looking for this in Manhattan more often!

I recently had the opportunity to have a nice cold Bailey’s Blonde Ale & a Whale’s Tale Pale Ale and I am super impressed.  Cisco Brewers out of Nantucket sent me over a couple bottles of beer to try and I am extremely impressed with the taste, quality and boldness of both.  The Bailey’s Blonde Ale has the taste of a perfect summer beer, even though we are in Fall now, it still reminds me of the good old days of summer.  Refreshing and not too filling this beer is better than anything micro brewery beer I have had.  Sam Adams takes a back seat to this fine brew, it’s a must try for all you beer lovers out there.  Whale’s Tale Pale Ale has more of what only can only categorize as a “tough man’s” beer.  It’s rich and flavorful and extremely satisfying and enjoyable.  I had this with a fine Cohiba cigar and they went perfectly together.  This has the taste that just reminds you of New England and it’s fall beauty.  These beers will be hard to track down in your average liquor store so make sure you inquire beforehand to see if they carry these fine hand crafted Ale’s you will be extremely happy & pleased you did, trust me.

Peachy thanks Bonhams, a favorite of ours in Advantageous Auctions, for serving her this at one of their fabulous cocktail parties!  It's not who you know, it's WHOM YOU KNOW.

Founded by Dean and Melissa Long in 1997 and located on Nantucket Island, Triple Eight Distillery is the region’s first micro-distillery. Named after its ultra pure water source, well #888, Triple Eight Distillery makes a variety of premium spirits, all of which are hand crafted in small batches using only natural ingredients.

Our “hard stuff that’s hard to get” motto is noticeably changing. Currently distributed in 12 states and growing quickly, we have recently been the beneficiary of much national media exposure (The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Associated Press, Boston Magazine, Agenda Magazine, Elle Magazine and much more).

Yet perhaps our strongest marketing force is the island of Nantucket itself and its 200,000 visitors each year. We are grateful for your continued support and look forward to your next visit to 5 and 7 Bartlett Farm Road – home of Triple Eight Distillery.

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