“I LOVE ITALIAN SHOES” Press Room ANCI in the United States
ANCI, The Italian Footwear Manufacturers’ Association, is pleased to announce the opening of the ANCI Press Room in the United States in collaboration with A. Cicognani Communications. The objective of this initiative is to help and promote Italian companies in the American market. ANCI will use the local expertise of the ACC press room to establish relationships with U.S. media outlets in order to help promote Italian brands organizing press days, local events, and working at the level of the manufacturer, the buyer, the trend setter and the editor in order to create real relationships between the Italian footwear producers, the product and potential consumers.
The first edition of the ANCI Press Room will include the participation of the following companies:
DONNA PIU’ www.donnapiu.org
GARDENIA www.gardenia-srl.it
FRATELLI ROSSETTI www.rossetti.it
NOUCHKA www.nouchka.com
PAS DE ROUGE www.pasderouge.com
THIERRY RABOTIN www.thierryrabotin.com
ANCI, The Italian Footwear Manufacturers’ Association, groups together Italian footwear manufacturers. Approximately 800 firms belong to the Association. The turnover produced by the member companies represents about 70% of the overall Italian footwear production.
The purpose of A.N.C.I. is to support and promote all economic, technical and scientific projects of of relevance to the shoe industry and to represent it at all institutional levels.
The association is particularly dedicated to helping the industry expand into critical foreign markets. In addition ANCI is dedicated to preserving the reputation of Italian footwear for its style, original design, artisanal workmanship and the use of carefully selected materials in all products.