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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Whom You Know Highly Recommends #3 (green, green, green and green) 100ml Eau de Parfum by Miller et Bertaux!!! Perfect for Spring.

With a name like Peachy Deegan, you know she's Irish and she loves the color green.
She lives in Manhattan, used to work on Wall Street, and she likes that kind of green too.
Well, Peachy has found one more kind of green to love and it is a winner fragrance for spring by Miller et Bertaux!  Green, Green, Green, and...Green L'Eau de Parfum #3 is perfectly pleasant and fragrant!  A cedar/sandalwood base, blended with flowers of character (white lily, black iris, ylang ylang), spiced chutney, and rosewood oils.  We like it best for day as it is not overpowering and is delightful in the sunshine that has finally made it to Manhattan.  Posh and poetic parfums from Parisian design house Miller et Bertaux reflect their continuing wanderlust. Like their clothing and accessories collection, unpredictable and independent, these fragrances for men and women are alluring in their ability to let one imagine, in between the silences where art, nature and life gently converge. Minimalist and precise, scents designed for pure freedom of exploration.  Highly Recommended by Whom You Know.  Made in France.

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