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Friday, May 20, 2011

Peachy Deegan is Well on Her Way To Shouting More Than Just "AMO LE SCARPE ITALIANE!" Now that She is Using The Fabulous Rosetta Stone

Many years ago, Peachy Deegan began to learn French from French Canadian hockey players.  French is a beautiful language!  Years after that, she studied French in middle school and was well on her way to French Two Honors freshman year in high school, if she went to public school.  Thank God she did not, and like most incoming freshman, she repeated French 1 at Miss Porter's School, where not one word of English was spoken, EVER, in French class due to the fabulous teaching of Mademoiselle Marie-Claire Charton.  Today, Mlle Charton is retired in the Riviera, and though we'd still like her as a teacher, Peachy does not think she would be able to teach her ITALIAN.  And you know how Peachy loves those Italian shoes and the Italian she has turned to Rosetta Stone Level One.  This week she spent four hours on it so far, and is impressed.


Well, like Mlle Charton's class, there is no English used.  It is an intuitive way of teaching through pictures, repetition, and actual grading and scoring.  From word recognition, to grammar, to actually speaking yourself through the supplied headphones, this program really does teach you how to speak as if you were just learning as a child.  And it is not easy-if you don't get it right-it makes you repeat it!  It does help however that she knows French as some of the words are similar, but then it is a disadvantage when she remembers the French word for whatever it is and types that in instead of the Italian word...but this is a process!

Learning a new language promotes understanding: It’s what brings us together and unites us. It’s the ability to communicate, connect and truly experience the world around you. We believe the first step towards understanding is language. Through language, we share thoughts, dreams, ideas and vision. We share our world.

Understanding. It’s built into every facet of Rosetta Stone Version 4 TOTALe.

• We surround you with understanding right from the very first lesson, as our proven solution activates your natural language ability.
• You engage with others online to gain experience and confidence.

• And you have fun along the way as you play games and explore other activities.

You'll have to keep reading to see how Peachy progresses....!

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