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Friday, February 17, 2012

Spa Peachy: Ms. A.B.H. Says It's All Downhill From Here! Advance Derma Laser is the Best Around For Laser Hair Removal! Bravo Mover and Shaker Jennifer Kandemir!

Our first coverage of the fabulous spa, Advanced Derma Laser:
This defines the whole process!  You should read that first if you are new to Spa Peachy and Ms. Q.V.H. and Ms. A.B.H.  

Ms. A.B.H. continues:
After so many visits to Advanced Derma Laser over the last several months, and I do mean several because if you looked at that link above you see we have been working with them for two years...I feel better than ever about their practice and the expertise of Jennifer Kandemir, who is the consummate professional who will put you at ease with her mild manner and diligent work.  It is hard to imagine anything worse than going to a laser asthetician and having something going wrong especially in your most sensitive spots, but in all of my visits it has all gone right, and also it is great to know that Advanced Derma Laser has a lifetime guarantee with any possible hair regrowth.

Today, in spots that were treated over this process the hair is hardly growing in.  It is far more sparse and in the spots it does grow, it is much thinner and so when I go in for these visits now every 4 to 6 months it is a total breeze because there is so much less work to do as the process has gone as planned.  With such a mild winter in Manhattan, with spring nearly upon us I cannot contain my excitement to put on my Miraclesuit this summer!  The idea of waking up, throwing on my suit and jumping in the ocean without any pitstops shaving or worrying about hair regrowth is a godsend.  Worth every penny, laser hair removal is something you absolutely should consider and do even if you were as apprehensive as I was at the start!  
Whom You Know highly recommends Advanced Derma Laser!

Check out Advanced Derma Laser on Peachy's Professionals:
And get the deal on Peachy's Sweet Deals:

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