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Thursday, April 12, 2012

READ THIS: Eloise's New Bonnet By Lisa McClatchy Illustrated by: Tammie Lyon / In the Style of: Kay Thompson and Hilary Knight Our Coverage Sponsored by The Ellen Christine Couture Millenery, Official Milliner of Whom You Know

The Best Milliner in Manhattan 
Official Milliner of Whom You Know:
By appointment in her showroom
Ellen Christine is a Mover and Shaker:

Eloise needs a new bonnet. Or so says Nanny. Eloise tries on all different hats that she thinks will be suitable. A chef's hat, a room service hat, a bell boy hat, etc. Finally, Nanny puts an end to Eloise's shenanigans and hands her a pretty hat box. Inside Eloise finds the perfect hat, just for her! How Eloise loves, loves, loves hats!

I love when Eloise can teach us new words. Bonnet was one of them. She helps us learn lots of new vocabulary. We also love that her furry friend had on a bonnet as well. We were all laughing for hours with this Eloise book. She is always a hit in my class! 

Nanny knows best in this great tale of Eloise in Simon & Schusters Ready-To Read Series. Eloise’s New Bonnet is a great book for your daughter to practice reading with repetitive words and short sentences. The story is cute featuring a bright and sunny day in Manhattan. Eloise must wear a hat to protect herself from the sun. Tearing up the plaza, trying on every hat in sight, Eloise ends up with just the right bonnet. Perfectly packaged in a pink hat box and delivered to her by Nanny. 

Is it me, or do kiddos never want to put their hats on? Welcome Eloise in Eloise's New Bonnet to help us remind our children that putting on hats can be great fun! Whether Eloise is taking a hat with a bird from a women in the lobby or opening a delicious pink striped hat box, my daughter and I have great fun reading about wearing hats. Now, if I could just convince her that our dog is not Weenie. Poor little pup, she simply does not want sunglasses! 

Eloise's New Bonnet is a fun and cute book. It's a nice short story that gets the child and adult reading for more. Once you start this book you just can't stop. I love watching the children laugh and smile when reading this book. I can't help but smile thinking of my childhood.Oh we must love, love, love Eloise and her antics anyway!


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