New York City, Eloise, the Plaza, Pugs and now …introducing another soon to be famous New York Pug: Emma. Emma is quite the Playful Pug. Her given name is Trafalgar’s Little Rock and Roll, and this girl loves to roll…around on her back. She hails from Cornish, New Hampshire’s Trafalgar Kennels, which is owned by Mariette and Jeff O’Keefe. They breed Champions Pugs. Emma lineage is quite impressive:
Her owner met Emma when she was three months old. It was love at first sight. She simply HAD to have her. However, Mariette and Jeff did not see her this way and were training her to be a Champion Show Dog. As ones knows, Pugs can be quite stubborn. After whispering in her ear that a lovely urban Upper east Side lifestyle with of course the country home weekend option would be sooo exciting…plus the lure of the upscale Doggie Boutiques….Emma had her owners convinced by age 8 months that she truly HAD to become a Manhattanite. Papers were signed, movers were called, and Emma arrived in the Big Apple in 2006. Concrete was a curious new material for the dog, as was the leash. Emma adjusted, and as she has a working mommy, she went off to Day Care. Now, being a third generation New York mother, her human knew to research Doggie Day care and as the best one was on the other side of town of course transportation was provided by the day care as well.
Emma shares her home with her older Pug sister Wishbone. Wishbone is a most intelligent dog. She is currently receiving intensive rehabilitation from surgery for two herniated discs. Ouch.
Emma has quite a cute trick she has learned and she will not tell us where, but you can watch her do her celebrated Commando Crawl on a soon-to-be-released video. She truly is a rock-n-roller, to her own beat.