Now, we can understand if the Dowager Countess of Downton Abbey was in violation of the American rule of stay to the right, as of course in England they drive on the wrong side of the road today since yesterday they held their sword with their right hand on horseback...but she is also one to mind her manners and absolutely know what is going around her. Today's Etiquette from Connecticut is addressed to all those that run about with headphones on hearing no one around them paying no attention, and you social exercisers that think the path is your backyard. We have news for you: you are not Christopher Robin and Manhattan is not your 100-acre-wood. When you are occupying space on a path used by the public for bike riding, rollerblading, jogging, and Sunday strolls, be aware you don't own it. Heed oncoming traffic: stay to the right, obviously! We saw a man walking 3 dobermans perfectly behaving and also a father with a son aged about 4 and the 4-year-old was on his own bike and paying better attention than many adults we saw. Particularly alarming is the quantity of child caretakers we see doing anything but that, especially those that are talking on their cell phones pushing a stroller without a care in the world. Be careful who you are hiring, parents. Walk single file in areas that are six feet wide, particularly if you are one that is particularly wide. If you are slow, let people pass you or you will be run over. Of course, headphones in your ears means you can not hear anyone say "Excuse me" so there is no excuse for that. Don't be selfish and don't be stupid. Pay attention, New York! It is a miracle that more accidents do not happen here.