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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

NIGHTLIGHT: Author Nathaniel Philbrick Brings History To Life in his Lecture on the American Revolution at The New York Historical Society May 2014

In life, you'll find not everyone can translate skill of the written word into skill of the spoken one in person, but Nathaniel Philbrick can.  He proved to have the gift of the gab (did he also kiss the Blarney Stone in Cork?) at a recent lecture at the New York Historical Society.  He enlightened the audience with detailed histories of Boston and catalysts to the American Revolution.  Town meetings proved to be the place to be at the time, and we learned that Sam Adams is more than just a beer: he invented the committee of correspondents.  This autonomous form of communication was independent of the English crown and proved to be innovative and effective.  We were regaled with visions of the toga-wearing Dr. Warren with his hairpins shot off.  Peachy asked him about the movie version of Bunker Hill, and Philbrick says he's excited by the possibility.  Quite diplomatic...also he likes the ham and pickle sandwiches at the Nantucket Pharmacy (he lives in Nantucket) should you find yourself on that island instead of the island of Manhattan.  Bunker Hill is the first of a trilogy - did you know that.  Saratoga will be the second.
We TOLD you, history is exciting.