It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year-To Take BestBus Travel to Manhattan from Washington, D.C. and back!
BestBus really does live up to its name, and not too long ago we published the Top Ten Reasons why you'd want to take it. During this crazy holiday season, known for being the most ridiculous traffic-wise in Manhattan, even the most planned out person can have their schedule ruined by traffic jams and the like here. There are not too many travel brands we have encountered that have the superlative RELIABILITY that BestBus has, and that would be reason Eleven for us now. When you are totally frazzled from Manhattan traffic, you know once you get to BestBus and sit down with your water, and this time also a chocolate truffle:
you'll start to feel like perhaps maybe BestBus is run by Santa. Leave the driving to them, open your book, and enjoy the ride!