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Monday, December 15, 2014

News from The New York Landmarks Conservancy: Moses Awards - Call for Nominations

2013 Preservation Leadership Award winner, Charles A. Platt, FAIA and Conservancy President Peg Breen 
2013 Public Leadership Award winner, Lola Finkelstein

2013 Project Award winner, Williamsburgh Savings Bank

2013 Project Award winner, Engelhardt Addition, Eberhard Faber Pencil Co.

2013 Project Award winner, Stapleton New York Public Library 

Lucy G. Moses Preservation Awards
Call for Nominations

Deadline for submissions: January 9, 2015, 5:00pm

The New York Landmarks Conservancy has been a leader in preserving, restoring, and reusing New York City's architectural legacy for over 40 years. The Moses Awards are the Conservancy’s highest honors for outstanding preservation work. Named in honor of dedicated New Yorker Lucy G. Moses, the annual Awards have recognized hundreds of leaders, organizations, architects, crafts people, and building owners for their extraordinary contributions in preserving our City. 

Click here to learn more about the Moses Awards.

Preservation Awards are given to projects that demonstrate excellence in the restoration, preservation, or adaptive use of historic buildings, streetscapes, and landscapes that preserve commercial, residential, institutional, religious, and public buildings. Other possible categories include community groups or organizations that foster neighborhood revitalization.

The Preservation Leadership Award is bestowed upon an outstanding individual in the field of historic preservation. Past honorees include Ruth Abram, Wint Aldrich, Tony Avella, Kent Barwick, John Belle, Simon Breines, Giorgio Cavaglieri, Kenneth Cobb, Stanley Cogan, Joan K. Davidson, Franny Eberhart, Lola Finkelstein, Kenneth K. Fisher, James Marston Fitch, Margot Gayle, Anne Van Ingen, Judith Kaye, Sarah Bradford Landau, Helen M. Marshall, Joan Maynard, Evelyn and Everett Ortner, Nancy and Otis Pratt Pearsall, Adolf K. Placzek, Charles Platt, Jan Hird Pokorny, Henry Hope Reed, Elizabeth Barlow Rogers, Vincent Scully, and Robert Silman. 

Only projects that are substantially completed during 2014 and located within the five boroughs of New York City will be considered. Books, other publications, and films are not eligible.

Nomination Instructions

All nominations due by January 9, 2015, 5:00pm

Nominations for individuals and organizations should include:

A one- to two-page narrative of why the person or organization deserves recognition.

Nominations for projects should include:

Completed Nomination Form, including a complete list of the project’s owners, architects, consultants, contractors, and craftspersons (including all company names, addresses, phone numbers, and contact persons).

A one- to two-page narrative explaining the history of the project and why it deserves recognition. 

A minimum of ten digital images, submitted in the form of JPEG files, at least 300 dpi and 4” x 6”. Each JPEG should have a file name that includes the name of the project. PowerPoints and PDFs may be included in the nomination, but every image should also be submitted as a separate JPEG. Before and after images are encouraged.

Click here for instructions on submitting a nomination form and send all required attachments by email to Andrea Goldwyn.

or by mail to:

Lucy G. Moses Preservation Awards
The New York Landmarks Conservancy
One Whitehall Street, 21st Floor
New York, NY 10004

If you have any questions please email Andrea Goldwyn at | Find us on Facebook & Twitter | Watch us on YouTube

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