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Monday, June 15, 2015

NHL Peachy: 2015 Stanley Cup Final Off-Day Transcripts - (TBL - Coach Cooper, Stamkos, Stralman, Garrison, Filppula, Brown) Our Coverage Sponsored by Vermont Harvest

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An interview with:


Q. Steven, from the time you started till right now in the playoffs, has it been fun? Has time flown or does it feel like a long grind?
STEVEN STAMKOS: It's been a pretty long grind. Feels like the first series was last year. I mean, what is this, game 25 for us tomorrow, something like that? You know, that's over a quarter of another season. 
That's why we're excited about this opportunity. We've worked way too hard, like I said after the game, to not leave everything on the ice in this next game. 
We proved it all along that we can bounce back. We've been in this exact same situation before. You just draw on that experience. 

Q. Speaking of last year, Detroit, obviously a different opponent you're facing. What kind of things can you draw from that, your mentality, how you played to get back into it?
STEVEN STAMKOS: Everyone talks about experience. We've been in this situation before. So you just draw back to that. I think both teams have some guys that are banged up. 
No excuses for our group. We're here. We've given ourselves a chance. There's two games scheduled left in the season. We can be part of that. That's the mentality we've had. We've played extremely well on the road. We've won in this building before. We're going to be a confident group heading in. 

Q. Anton, Steven talked about being in a similar situation. The New York one is the one you can draw the most comparison to, the way you approached that. Can you use that in this situation?
ANTON STRALMAN: Yeah, I definitely think so. I said this before, but I think we're a growing type of team. Each series in this playoffs so far, we've been challenged, going back to the Detroit series, being in the same situation right now. We learned from that. Even the Montréal series, when we get up early, 3-0 lead, try to close the series out. It's also a big challenge. It's not easy. 
Like you're talking about, the New York series, when we had the chance to close it out at home. For whatever reason, couldn't pull that off. We had to go into New York with the odds against us. Not a lot of people thought we could pull that off. 
I think there's a strong belief in our team, within the group we have. We know what we have to do to be successful. It's just a matter of execution. 

Q. Steven, I know it's a team game, but being the captain and leading scorer on this team, how much responsibility do you feel you have to have in this game?
STEVEN STAMKOS: No doubt, I want to help our team win in any way possible. We've struggled to score, obviously myself personally, as a team the last couple games. 
We'll find a way. There's really no choice that we have. For me, definitely want to go out there and have my best game. I feel like the chances are there. You just got to keep working hard. 
For me, I definitely want to be a guy that can go out there and help our team get a game back home. 

Q. Steven, your line has spent a lot of time defending Patrick Kane's line. Do you think from both sides there's so much attention to shutting down each other, you kind of neutralize each other?
STEVEN STAMKOS: You know what, that's the way it goes sometimes, especially in the playoffs. There is a lot of focus, especially coming into this series, a lot of offensive firepower. Obviously we're not seeing a lot of that. It's so tight out there that both teams are focused on certain groups, certain lines, certain players. They've done a great job of defending so far. 
That's why you need the depth at this time of the year. These are probably two of the deepest teams in the league. You have to rely on all players in these situations, which we have, and they have as well. 
But in the big moments, you want your guys to step up. I definitely want to be a guy that can step up tomorrow night and help our team win, whether it's on the score sheet or not. Our focus is getting a win. 
Like I said, there's really no other option for our group right now. 

Q. Steven, do you feel like the quality of chances and the quantity have gone up as your ice time has increased?
STEVEN STAMKOS: I mean, the ice-time thing I think is getting a little blown out of proportion. 
Whenever your name gets called, you hop over there. The coaching staff obviously have a game plan. Our teammates believe in everyone that goes over the boards, that they're going to get the job done. 
For me, I obviously want to produce. That's part of the territory. The chances are coming. Obviously you want to create some more. 
The first five games mean nothing now. It's finding a way to win. Like I said a second ago, you want to be the guy that can help lead your team to victory. 
I mean, it's going to be a good test for myself and our group tomorrow. 

Q. Losing Kucherov last night, you were able to shuffle things around and tie the game. Explain how that worked last night. Moving forward, that's a key contributor that may be absent. 
VALTTERI FILPPULA: Go ahead, you're on a roll (laughter). 
STEVEN STAMKOS: You know what, that's the things that happen at this time of year. Obviously Kuch has been a huge part of why we've been successful. A clutch player, scored some big goals. Very good player. Hopefully he's back. 
But we found a way to come back in a game that we were down one and tie it, give ourselves a chance. Every game could have gone either way this series. That's the beauty of this sport, how close the series really is. 
We're hoping that he's back. If not, we have guys that are capable. We've proved that before. We just got to keep believing that. 

Q. Fil , you've competed against Patrick Kane for years. You've done a good job of containing him, but he could pop a goal at any moment. What is the key defensively to slowing him down?
VALTTERI FILPPULA: I just have to try to stay close to him, try to limit his room. Obviously when he gets the puck, he can do things that not a lot of players can in the league. That's what makes him really hard to defend. 
I feel like so far we've been able to limit his room and time and space a little bit. It's been a big help for us. 

Q. Val, you obviously play a lot with Steven. Is there anything you as linemates can do to take some of the pressure off his shoulders?
VALTTERI FILPPULA: I mean, I think we're all trying to do the best we can. At this point it doesn't really matter who gets the goal or who gets what done. Everybody's trying to do their best, both defensively and offensively. 
I think he's been great, having a lot of chances. Obviously he hopes pucks going to go in next game. But I believe when you do things right, you keep playing the right way, you're going to get some results. Hopefully we can do that tomorrow. 

Q. Val, as one guy who has been able to win the Cup as a player on this team, what kind of advice can you give to these guys?
VALTTERI FILPPULA: I think we've been doing a good job taking it one game at a time. We've been in tough spots before. We just got to keep working hard, think about next game, do the best we can, hopefully get a win, and have a Game 7. 
But you can't think too much ahead. That's where we have to keep our focus, on the next game. 
THE MODERATOR: Thank you, guys. 
We'll continue with questions, please. 

Q. Jason, what does it say about your group that Ben and everybody else, the way you're fighting through the injuries?
JASON GARRISON: What does that say about our group? I don't know, that's an interesting question. 
I mean, I think every team goes through it during the year, injuries. We're no different. I don't think any team is 100%. Obviously there's only two of them now. 
Yeah, I think it's just guys are obviously competitors, willing to pay the price. They don't want to take themselves out of the lineup. 

Q. Jason, the playoffs, around day 60 or 61. Time flying or does it seem like a long grind?
JASON GARRISON: It's been a little bit of both. When you look back, the Detroit series seems like a very long time ago. But, you know, I think it's been fun, it's been a good experience. 
I mean, yeah, it definitely takes a toll on your body. It's a lot of hockey. It's been a grind, for sure, at some points. 

Q. J.T., when you guys lost Game 6 at home to the Rangers, had to go to New York, people remind you of their history in Game 7 for a couple days. Can you draw a comparison with how you felt with everyone writing you off to how you feel right now?
J.T. BROWN: I would stay we still feel the same. Going into Game 7, we were confident in our group. We weren't necessarily thinking too much about the outside noise. We just needed to stay within ourselves. 

Q. Jason, on Val's goal last night, a tough play. How did you see that open up? Do you feel more comfortable being offensive after you're back from your injury?
JASON GARRISON: I'm not sure exactly how I saw it, to be honest. It was a broken play. I think it made its way to the half wall. Fil positioned himself very well. At the time that I saw him there, he was by himself. It was kind of up to me to get the puck there. You know, he did the rest. 

Q. It seems as if when you guys come back after a loss, you come back after you feel angry about what has happened in the game before. Would you say it would be a fair assessment that you guys are angry at what happened last night? How would you phrase it as to how you feel about the loss?
JASON GARRISON: I mean, I don't think anybody wants to lose. It's no different than anytime you lose. Obviously putting ourselves in that situation makes it a must win for us tomorrow. 
I think guys, you know, have to get angry, have to give it everything they got come tomorrow. 
J.T. BROWN: Yeah, I'd say the same. It's just a mindset we have. I don't necessarily say we had a bad game, but we don't want to have bad games back-to-back. 
I think in the regular season, that's something we try to do. I think we've been able to rebound pretty well. 
THE MODERATOR: Thanks, guys.

Questions for Coach Cooper.

Q. Jon, going back to the lawyer part of things, speaking in front of people, are you a big speech guy before a big game like this? 
COACH COOPER: I don't know. I've delivered speeches to the team on numerous occasions. I think in some of these situations, I don't know if one's required. A lot of times, I speak from the heart or in the moment. 
But, probably in a situation like this, I will not be the only one speaking. I can pretty much guarantee you that. I think we'll have a bunch of guys in our room that will have a lot to say. Usually when that happens, we've responded really well. 

Q. Can you provide a detailed update on Nikita Kucherov, please?
COACH COOPER: Love you guys. Define 'detailed (laughter)'. 
He was on the plane. I would say he's much along the lines of Ben Bishop and how he was. We'll have an optional skate tomorrow, so don't read anything into it if he's not on the ice. 
He's in considerably better shape today than he was last night. To be honest, I thought there was a chance he was coming back last night. But it didn't work out. These two days will give him the rest he needs. 
I don't want to put my foot in my mouth and say something that is out of line. I haven't talked to the trainers today. As you all know, I make a habit of seeing you first, then going to see them. 

Q. Jon, the longest stretch Steven went through the season without a goal were a couple of three-game stretches. He's had long stretches in these playoffs. Is that because there's a lot more attention being paid to him? Has anything changed?
COACH COOPER: Well, things have changed. First of all, you're playing the best team in the West with arguably some of the best defensemen in the league. So that is going to have an effect on everybody. 
I think he sees that attention. So he has to go against the best players every single shift. 
The one thing about Stammer, I never worry about his goal scoring or his ability to score. He puts himself in the right positions all the time. You know, if he scored every night, he'd have 112 goals right now or 113 goals. It's hard to score in this league. He had 40 goals and was second in the league in goal scoring. 
Has he had a couple bad breaks? For sure. I think he's missed a couple that usually go in for him. He's probably scored a couple in his stretch when he was scoring that usually don't go in, but they go in for him. 
There's no concern on our part. I've watched that kid rise to the occasion every time he's been asked. We're going to need him to rise to the occasion tomorrow night, and I have no doubt he will.

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