The September 2017 edition of WHITE MILANO - on stage from 22nd to 25th September in the famed Tortona Fashion District - is going to last four days. The main fashion show under the aegis of the Municipality of Milan, dedicated to womenswear collections and contemporary accessories, can currently boast over 500 exhibitors and more than 22 thousand visitors.
The extension, in terms of timing, is part of the coordination among the fashion shows and events, and results from the relentless work carried out by the Minister for Economic development Carlo Calenda, by Undersecretary Ivan Scalfarotto, by ICE, by the main Italian fashion tradeshows, as well as by the Municipality of Milan, so as to cooperate and, thereby, make Milan increasingly appealing for international buyers. Indeed, thanks to a recent agreement between the institutions, Milan will be the stage for: MILANO XL – the celebration of Italian creativity, a format conceived to illustrate the premium manufacturing chains, making the Made in Italy unequalled in the world, in conjunction with Milan’s fashion week.
At this edition, WHITE will shine also thanks to designer Sabrina Mandelli’s creative talent and her brand SSHEENA, which, owing to its contemporary sportswear and a sophisticated care for details has been selected by WHITE as Special Guest and will be the protagonist of an Urban Catwalk in September event’s calendar, thanks to the collaboration with Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana. This fashion show will be organized thanks to the patronage of Confartigianato Imprese and ICE - Agenzia.
This event based in Milano and for Milan, will connect Palazzo Reale’s Sala delle Cariatidi with Piazza Duomo for a fashion show open to the public. WHITE has conceived and promoted the show to underscore the strong bond that, since its very onset, has joined the trade show with the city, as it occurred in 2016 with YOHANIX catwalk.
This synergy between WHITE and the city has further developed over the years, thus attracting the interest and attention of international fashion insiders on the fashion city and providing new business and communication opportunities.
In order to get this message across, exquisitely Milanese Sabrina Mandelli’s aesthetics has been selected. SSHEENA contemporary creativity perfectly matches the vision that WHITE has always endowed each and every event with. WHITE MILANO - sede uffici via Tortona 27 – 20144 Milano – –– tel 02/34 59 27 85
The label has already gathered consensus, as it won the special Time Award 2016 - brand accelerator project launched by WHITE in 2015 in collaboration with Camera Italiana Buyer Moda, with the patronage of the Municipality of Milan and raffled by ITA-Italian Trade Agency. Next, she was the protagonist, in April 2017, of a trunk show organized by Time in Los Angeles, in the revered multibrand store H LORENZO, where she has been presented to a big audience of buyers and insiders alike. Subsequently the brand flew New York, for a performance at HOTOVELI, prestigious concept store in the heart of NY’s Village.
«The success achieved by SSHEENA during the road shows in Los Angeles and New York - so Brenda Bellei, WHITE’s CEO - goes to show how appealing the internationalization path undertaken in these years by the trade show is for cutting-edge brands and worldwide top buyers alike. The next (and natural) step for WHITE has been choice of the Special Event brand for the September 2017 edition, which will be the protagonist of an urban catwalk, actively supported by Confartigianato Imprese and ITA, agency for the promotion abroad and internationalization of Italian enterprises».