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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Foxy Greens Inaugural Review Our Coverage Sponsored by Fresh Origins

Owner of Foxy Greens, Chris Hoffman
Fresh Origins is America’s leading producer of Microgreens and Edible Flowers. Combining the benefits of an ideal climate with a deep passion for quality and innovation, Fresh Origins products are sought after by the finest restaurants and top chefs. The farm is located in the picturesque rolling hills of San Diego County, where the near perfect weather allows for production and harvest all year. Fresh Origins produces almost 400 Microgreens, Petitegreens, Edible Flowers, Shoots, Tiny Veggies™ and related items. Many are not available anywhere else, with new introductions nearly every month. Fresh Origins products are on top of the finest cuisine in the world! Fresh Origins supplies distributors of specialty produce who serve fine dining restaurants and resorts nationwide. There are also a few online sources of their products available to private chefs and home cooks. Read our first Culinary Queen interview with Kelly Sasuga:

For more information about Fresh Origins, visit their website at 

It's not who you know, it's Whom You Know and now we know Chris Hoffman, Owner of Foxy Greens!  He co-owns it with his brother, Jack Posniak and it has been open on First Avenue near Mover and Shaker Ed Koch's bridge since January 2017.  We were delighted to visit and applaud their efforts to get everyone eating healthier, including the person typing this.  We always always always order a green salad at dinner but not everything we eat is healthy as you might have noticed.  Here, everything seemed super healthy in contrast.
Every day they make their fresh juices early in the morning, so you can bet they are fresh.  Fresh is uber important to us in all aspects of food we cover.  We tried Purple Haze, which we preferred because of the taste, and Kalifornication, which was also a strong contender.  Notice they tell you EXACTLY what they are putting in it and that is it.  We love the purity.
They are truly authentic in terms of the branding; there are some foxes you will be delighted to meet.  We love this kind of effort and enthusiasm!
Looks a little like the Italian flag, n'est pas? 
Meet Quinoa Bowl.  We bet you can count on one hand the amount of times we have mentioned Quinoa ever in 23,000 plus posts.  Guess who doesn't usually like it.  Guess who liked it this time!  Egg, avocado and tomato luxuriate on a bed of quinoa that you will actually adore.
It was delicious; do not let the casual nature fool you.
Next we tried the Avocado Veggie Melt Sandwich.  We almost never order sandwiches without lunchmeat or meat or chicken or fish, but we did here.
If one of your New Year's Resolutions is to eat more vegetables, this should be included in your strategy.  It also includes one of our more favorite vegetables, pepper jack cheese.   Avid readers know we never edit pictures.  Your food either looks this terrific, or it does not.
Peachy is not a millennial so she has not developed an affection for avocado toast.  However, in the nine years we've done this we have a strong affection for truffle almost anything.  Foxy Greens up the sophistication for both millennials and other ages and makes Truffle Avocado Toast with zesty, fiery sprouts on it that light it up further.
Caprese sandwich is exactly as you would think it would be: tomato and mozzarella.  It was exactly what we are looking for and it continued along the vegetarian theme of Foxy Greens
You'll enjoy the company in the small spot!
Next, we tried the Foxy Salad.  It is comprised of pumpkin seeds, tomato, avocado, cucumber, strawberry, almonds, lettuce and shredded cheese.  They will honor your salad ingredient requests also in their made-to-order salads.  Lemon Olive Oil dressing was thoughtfully put on the side and everything was fresh and well-cut.
Finally, we tried the Spring Hummus Sandwich which was another beacon of nutrition that proved to be pretty delicious.  Again, if you think you mostly do not care for hummus, you should try this because this hummus is fantastic!
Foxy Greens is Recommended by Whom You Know and we look forward to seeing what they do next.
The fox will be looking out for you:

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