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Thursday, April 5, 2018

#FASHIONALERT UNISEX FASHION BRAND LAUNCHES NEW CLOTHING LINE Our Coverage Sponsored by Hallak Cleaners the Couture Cleaner @hallakcleaners

For over fifty years, Hallak Cleaners the Couture Cleaner has been entrusted with Manhattan’s finest wardrobes. New York’s fashion boutiques have been recommending Hallak to their loyal customers for years. They understand the importance of quality fabric care and protecting their client’s investment. While Hallak is known for their expert handling of couture and other precious items, they also make it a point to give your more casual garments the same level of attention. Their representatives are always on the look out for the hard-to-notice stains, loose seams, missing buttons, etc. You can trust Hallak Cleaners with your entire wardrobe and then some. A sample of some of their specialized services: 

Tables & Bed Linens

Suede, Leather & Furs 

Couture & Casual Wear 

Custom Interior Services 

Expert tailoring department located at both locations.

Complimentary Pick Up and Delivery Service 6 Days a Week. 

Hallak Cleaners

1232 Second Avenue (near 65th)

New York, NY 10065 

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a pick up, please feel free to email us at


Lâcher Prise Apparel is a new clothing line based in New York City, poised to change the fashion industry with its unique collection of fashion wears for men and women. The brand’s uniqueness and versatility are demonstrated in every fashion piece from the brand, as it effectively turns designs into (e)motions, helping fashion lovers to express themselves freely.

The fashion industry is a dynamic one, with several brands coming into the fashion space and creating a niche for themselves in the highly competitive industry. The fashion market is a large one, with increasing demands from fashion lovers across the globe. However, the increasing number of fashion brands has not particularly met the demand of the market. This is so as many brands do not give the comfort, uniqueness, and versatility demanded by contemporary fashion lovers. This is where the likes of Lâcher Prise Apparel are different.

Lâcher Prise Apparel is changing the industry, bringing a whole new feel into the industry and effectively addressing the needs of fashion lovers across the globe. The NYC-based brand is more than just an ordinary clothing line.

Meaning “a liberation achieved by detaching from the desire to control,” Lâcher Prise aims to help people free themselves from any emotional restraint with a wide range of creative and innovative designs.

Lâcher Prise literally has something from everyone regardless of their gender or budget. The brand’s unique combination of creativity, innovation, and affordability has helped it achieve the primary aim of effectively bringing emotions into every piece. The brand’s uniqueness also stems from the fact that all items are made in NYC, created with environmentally friendly fabrics.

"Unisex brand launch clothing line that turns designs into (e)motions," the brand is gradually making a name for itself in the industry, and this is not quite surprising considering its designs and wears that everyone can easily relate with.

Lâcher Prise Apparel is making fashion sustainable, and fashion lovers in New York City and across the globe have a lot to watch out for from this brand.

About Lâcher Prise Apparel
Lâcher Prise Apparel is a clothing line based in New York City. Founded by French native, Marine Delmau, Lâcher Prise Apparel was created with a clear new vision about clothing. Marine Delmau moved to NYC in 2011, where she studied at Parsons School of Design and graduated with an Associate degree in Fashion Marketing.

Marine Delmau’s dream of owning a fashion brand was brought to live after she established Lâcher Prise Apparel.

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