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Monday, July 2, 2018

#LetterstothePeachy #TakeaTriptoWashingtonDC #PeachysPicksWashingtonDC A Statement from Billy Martin, Owner of Martin's Tavern in Georgetown on How EVERYONE Is Welcome! We Look Forward to Your Visit @BarackObama and @realDonaldTrump @POTUS #EtiquettefromConnecticut


As you know, Martin's Tavern has served every President from Harry Truman to George W. Bush. President Obama and current President Trump have been invited and just have not accepted as of yet. That being said, Martin's is a bipartisan restaurant. EVERYONE is welcome to dine with us. We insure the safety, comfort, great food and service for all. All behaviors are monitored. As a matter of fact, Mike Pence was in right before the election, after being booed at Hamilton and received a standing ovation here. 

So in short, Sarah Sanders or anyone from capitol hill would be welcome. 

Billy Martin

Wm. A. (Billy) Martin, Jr.
Martin's Tavern, est. 1933


Peachy continues to Pick Martin's Tavern in Georgetown in Washington, D.C.!

Martin's Tavern has been featured more than any other restaurant outside Manhattan, and has earned multiple encore reviews.
It was first featured in Peachy's Picks Washington, D.C. in April of 2014:
When we returned to Washington in the summer of 2014, it was the first feature in our Washington Al Fresco column:
It's been featured in our Breakfast Away column:
It was featured in early 2015:
And it was featured in the summer of 2015:

It is an absolute must on your Washington, D.C. visit

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