#LobsterPeachy #TastyTidbits This National Lobster Day, Help Support the Maine Lobster Industry
Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative Shares Resources for People Looking to Support the Fishery following Monterey Bay Aquarium "Red Listing"
The Maine Lobster fishery is one of the most sustainable fisheries in the world, thanks to the hard work by generations of lobstermen to protect both the lobster resource as well as Maine marine environment for more than 150 years.
This includes decades of proactive changes to protect endangered right whales, including weakening lines, removing thousands of miles of rope from the water, and converting all 'floating' rope to safer 'sinking' rope.

Help support the Maine Lobster fishery. Sign the petition to show seafood buyers you value Maine lobstermen and their commitment to sustainable fishing.
Yet, this month, the Monterey Bay Aquarium's (MBA) Seafood Watch program placed Maine Lobster on its "Red List" of seafoods to avoid, citing protection of right whales—ignoring decades of good faith conservation management and despite a lack of evidence of Maine Lobster fishery's impact on the species. In fact—zero right whale deaths or serious injuries have ever been attributed to the Maine Lobster fishery.
That's why this National Lobster Day (Sept. 25), the Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative is dedicating efforts to educating consumers on the fishery and making it easy for them to enjoy Maine Lobster and show their support.
Here's what you can do to do support the independent, hardworking fishermen of Maine:Celebrate Maine Lobster Week: September 19-25 is Maine Lobster Week—featuring partner restaurants from around the state with special offers on all things Maine Lobster. View the list of participating restaurants and enjoy Maine Lobster this week.
Sign the "Save the Maine Lobster Industry" petition on Change.org. Maine Lobster is a critical economic driver bolstering local communities who rely on the fishery. Help us reach the MBA to show your objection to their decision. The livelihoods of lobstermen, their families and coastal communities, all of whom support sustainable lobstering, depend on community support. The petition currently has more than 16,500 supporters.Note: Donations to the Maine Lobster industry are not being collected through this petition. Donations to Change.org are not required or encouraged in order to participate in this initiative.
Buy Maine Lobster. Explore LobsterfromMaine.com to find a directory of trusted suppliers of sustainable Maine Lobster available to be shipped fresh or frozen directly to your doorstep, anywhere in the U.S. Find our directory here.
Here's how you can learn more on Maine Lobster's leading sustainability practices and the measures already taken to save the Right Whales in Maine:Watch the Sustainability at Work Video Series. Featuring lobstermen & their families, marine biologists and scientists, learn about all the ways the Maine Lobster fishery protects not only the lobster population, but the Maine marine environment—including efforts to protect whales.
Read Up on RightWhalesandMaineLobster.com. A page detailing all the work done on behalf of the fishery to protect right whales. Here, you can learn about the fishery's dedicated history of sustainability and get the facts on the MBA's recent designation.
Follow Us on Social: To keep in touch with the Maine Lobster fishery, including our leading sustainability practices and ways to enjoy lobster, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
"We want consumers to know they can always feel good about enjoying Maine Lobster, as it's one of the most sustainable fisheries in the world," said Marianne LaCroix, Executive Director of the Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative. "Maine fishermen have put sustainability first for more than 150 years, and no Maine lobsterman would ever want to harm a right whale. We encourage consumers to get the facts on fishermen's ongoing work to ensure whale safety and to support the fishery in any way they can."
About the Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative
The Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative (MLMC), founded in 2013, is funded by Maine Lobster harvesters, dealers and processors to grow demand, both for whole live lobster and a variety of value-added products. The MLMC supports that objective by promoting the core values of the Maine Lobster industry, which are sustainability and traceability that's deeply rooted in tradition.