I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream: "FREE CONE DAY IS BACK!"
Ben & Jerry's Joyfully Announces the Return of Its 40+ Year Global Celebration
Ben & Jerry's thank you to fans is back. Free scoops will be handed out across the world to thank fans for their on-going support. Cones at the ready, it promises to be bigger than ever on Monday, April 3, 2023.

Ben & Jerry's Free Cone Day is back! Free scoops will be handed out across the world to thank fans for their on-going support. Cones at the ready, it promises to be bigger than ever on Monday, April 3, 2023.

It was springtime in Vermont on May 5, 1979 when the two cofounders Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield surprised themselves outlasting a long winter in Vermont, with an average temperature below freezing all season. To celebrate their first year in business and thank the local community for their support, the co-founders decided to open the doors and scoop free ice cream. It wasn't just a taste. It wasn't just one flavor. It was all the ice cream the duo could churn out. They called it "Free Cone Day" – and just like that… an annual celebration was born.
Fast forward over 40 years and the intention hasn't changed one bit. The company has grown, now in 35 countries. The day is still a thanks. The day is still about fans. Ice creams packed with Fairtrade chunks and swirls are handed out across April 3rd. In addition to more ice cream than our scoopers can shake their scoops at, our Scoop Shops around the world add their own swirl of fun to Free Cone Day. Some participating Scoop Shops will also partner with a local nonprofit in their communities, who often benefit from much of the energy around Free Cone Day.
Ice cream lovers can get in line as many times as they would like. Flavor fanatics can try any flavor they prefer whether that is a classic like Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, which Ben & Jerry's invented over three decades ago, or a brand new flavor, like Lights! Caramel! Action!, which the company just unveiled in 2023 with award-winning director, filmmaker and TV producer Ava DuVernay.
The company is setting its scooping sights on an all new, all-time goal to make this Free Cone Day the biggest and best ever with a goal to serve well over a million Fairtrade scoops globally. So, mark your calendars and plan to bring your friends, family, and loved ones to help celebrate this monumental occasion.
To find out where Free Cone Day takes place in your country click here.
To learn more about Ben & Jerry's history, flavors, mission or values, click here.
About Ben & Jerry's
Ben & Jerry's is an aspiring social justice company that believes in a greater calling than simply making and selling the world's best ice cream. The company produces a wide variety of super-premium ice cream and Non-Dairy/vegan desserts using high-quality ingredients and lots of big chunks and swirls. As a Certified B Corp, Ben & Jerry's incorporates its vision of Linked Prosperity into its business practices via values-led sourcing initiatives when purchasing ingredients. Ben & Jerry's is distributed in over 35 countries in supermarkets, grocery stores, convenience stores, franchised Scoop Shops, and via on-demand delivery services. Ben & Jerry's, a Vermont corporation and wholly owned subsidiary of Unilever, operates its business on a three-part Mission Statement emphasizing product quality, a fair financial return, and addressing issues of social, racial, and environmental injustice around the globe. The Ben & Jerry's Foundation, guided by Ben & Jerry's employees, granted $4.35MM in 2022 to support progressive, justice-focused grassroots organizing around the country. For up-to-date information visit benjerry.com.