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Wednesday, August 9, 2023

#SmallScreenScenes Highly Recommended by #PeachyDeegan #Sherwood #Britbox @BritBox_US #BBC #America

Sherwood is the most brilliant show we've seen out of the UK since Downton Abbey, and we were among the very first to talk about that in January 2012. We did not review Ozark, but we've seen it and we believe this is in the same sharp style but with a completely unique twist and it's better than Ozark. The density of Sherwood is testament to the intelligent and careful editing, which is the gold standard, and we would have made nearly all the same editing choices ourselves if we did it.

Though mining is central to the theme of the plot, whether or not you personally enjoy mining is irrelevant. This is completely 110 percent about the storyline. An intriguing thriller, Sherwood not only is written and edited well but also it has a blockbuster cast including Joanne Froggatt and Kevin Doyle from Downton Abbey: by the way Anna, where is Lady Mary? She also should have been cast.

Of course the archery we believe is a tribute to Robinhood, and of course given the title the forest plays a central role.

If you need one more reason to watch this, if you need to commiserate with people that have in-laws from h.e.double hockey sticks, Sherwood's got that too. Fitted suits matter. Oh, and Sarah Vincent, you are correct and we agree with the maxim: Right in the belief of the individual to choose.

Sherwood is Highly Recommended by Whom You Know.

A complex political past means that the industrial villages around Sherwood Forest have often been divided communities. But when two local residents are killed, old wounds are reopened and the town is engulfed in tension and fear. Soon everyone is under suspicion, neighbors are turning on neighbors, and no one can be trusted – especially not the authorities. It’s down to local police chief Ian and London met police offer Kevin to solve the case and unravel the lies. Can they put their own troubled history aside and help this fractured community heal? Drawn from real-life events, Sherwood is a shockingly relevant thriller about a burgeoning lack of trust in local police and national government – and the way that supposedly long-buried political tensions can resurface to devastating effect.

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