#PeachysPantry #KeepingItalyonTop #BurrataPeachy Introducing #Gioiella #Since #1942 from #Puglia #Italy #InauguralFeature #HighlyRecommended #PeachyDeegan
Peachy Deegan and Giovanni Zibillo, International Sales Director of Gioiella
It's not who you know and it never has been. It's WHOM YOU KNOW and we know the Italians who seem to consistently blow everyone else out of the water in quality across the board. A high commitment to doing the best work possible, being ethical, being smart, being good for your word, being nice and having a great personality all together will get one quite far in life and on this website, and the Italians as a group do make everyone else look bad, as much as we hate to say it. Peachy is a tiny, tiny percentage Italian and the percentage goes up probably with her increased commitment to mozzarella and burrata consumption. Lactose is our friend too.
Today we are talking about
which is from PUGLIA/APULIA.
Don't worry if you can't speak Italian either.
Like most Americans, Peachy is hardly bilingual and her six years of French plus the most amazing private tutor in Paris have not made her fluent yet. Once she figures that out perfectly, she'll get started on Italian which she started in 2011 with Rosetta Stone...but only kept up with the eating part: and that is exactly what you should do too!
You can make friends that speak Italian.
Vito, Peachy and Gianfranco
Thank you to our friend Gianfranco Sorrentino, President of Gruppo Italiano and Founder and Owner of Il Gattopardo (ALAIN DELON we still are absolutely dying to eat dinner there with you-name a time peachydeegan@gmail you need a break from Europe and New York is too much fun to ignore) and The Leopard at Des Artistes, both Peachy's Picks for many years who introduced us to all that is great and Italian at their consulate. Vito and Gianfranco are kind of like Madonna on this website: they don't need a last name. They are that popular.
So the cream rises to the top...and in this case, literally! Gioiella is quite intelligent to put Giovanni Zibillo at the helm of the importing as he knows his products and his English is terrific-essential!
The brand tells us:
In our supply chain everything flows in harmony, because those who are well produce better.
Gioiella's secret is in the milk of Bruna cows, the natural heir of the noble Podolica, grazing semi-wild on historic farms on the ancient "Via del latte". A territory that is still uncontaminated today, the Murgia Park, a plateau that runs through a large part of Puglia crossing the Itria Valley. An enchanted place, full of greenery, history and natural resources. It is from that magical milk of happy cows grazing that the Gioiella world begins. The milk, coming from a well-supervised production chain, arrives daily at the company, where it is examined and controlled by the internal laboratory, on the basis of rigid and well-defined parameters: breeding methods, stable hygiene and controlled nutrition.
THE WORLD IS JEWELRY...and in Peachy's world, she likes to wear it and eat it!
Let's get this Puglia party started. We begin with:
SCAMORZA: Scamorza is a stretched-curd cheese, made with cow's milk. Its name originates from the Italian verb “scamozzare”, which means removing a part. To put it simply, Scamorza is intense, high-quality mozzarella. It is like professional mozzarella.
We tried both AFFUMICATA (Smoked) and BIANCA (White, the original) and respectively each was the wearing diamonds equivalent of eating. Certainly you could add these to many dishes, but we had them straight and they do not need any extra. They are the center of attention, obviously! Puglia is really a region of Italy you should know about because of the excellence of this brand in particular. The production of fresh scamorza with the classic pear shape is accompanied by small rounds, donuts with holes, loaves, hand-shaped braids, elongated breadsticks and Murgian cylindrical breadsticks
Medium consistency string cheese; scamorza has a characteristic pear shape, short neck and head; the color is ivory white which becomes straw yellow as storage continues or following very short maturation. It has a smooth surface and compact consistency. The taste is delicate, slightly savory.
Pasteurized milk, lactic ferments, salt, rennet.
Acidity regulator: lactic acid.
Milk origin: Italy
We also tried the Burrata Cinquanta. We believe the second word means 50 because there are three in 50g. What is important to take away from this name is that not all mozzarella and not all burrata is created equally. This is Italy unleashing its best on the international market for you to discover and obviously devour. The restaurants are going to be sad you find out about this because once you order it you are going to feel like you are Executive Chef of your Personal Palace and really all you have to do is order it and open it, which is exactly how Peachy likes to cook! Happy cows make a happy Peachy and a happy you, reader!
Gioiella is Highly Recommended by Whom You Know and we can't wait to tell you what they do next.
Up with Puglia!!!
A bicycle, two brothers and grandmother Paola's savings, two hundred thousand lire in large sheets. Thus began from Gioia del Colle, almost a century ago, the dream of the brothers Sebastiano and Francesco Capurso with the story of the most famous mozzarella in Italy: the "Gioiella". A small shop in the center of the town and a bicycle adapted in a rudimentary way to transport milk marked the fate of Gioiella, the renowned one hundred gram mozzarella which from Gioia would arrive on tables throughout Italy. After more than seventy years, our goal is still to grow and improve. Gioiella continues to be synonymous with quality and innovation.
SINCE 1942

II Trav. Via Vicinale Le Strettole sn (Via Filippo Gisotti)
70023 Gioia del Colle, BA - ITALY
VAT number 05982300724
Via Filippo Gisotti
70023 Gioia del Colle BA – ITALY
VAT number 07398210729
Tel: +39 080 3484025 / +39 080 3481143
Order fax: +39 080 3482918
Administration fax: +39 080 3481189
Email: info@gioiellalaticini.it