#UpcomingNightlight #PeachysPicks @ilcortile_nyc Since 1975 @IlCortile and #BuonaNotte by #SalEsposito and Team Host Mediterranean Night with Flo Ankah #LittleItaly #Manhattan
Flo and Sal!
Mediterranean Night

Perfect for date night and to spend some quality time with a group of friends.
Live Music
Wednesday at Buona Notte, 6-9pmMay 8 – Flo + Silvan Joray (guitar)
May 22 – Flo + Ben Turner (guitar)
June 5 – Flo + Silvan Joray (guitar)
June 19 – Flo + Will Sellenraad (guitar)
Thursday at Il Cortile, 6-9pm
9-10pm is a jam lead by the pianistMay 9 – Flo + Emilio Teubal (piano)
May 23 – Flo + Jason Yeager (piano)
June 6 – Flo + Art Hirahara (piano)
June 20 – Flo + Jason Yeager (piano)
Previously on Whom You Know, Il Cortile has been featured:
Previously on Whom You Know, Buona Notte has been featured:
A blend of authenticity, wit and raw emotions, Flo Ankah invigorates multicultural tunes with a rhythmic twist. As a vocalist, she is known for her interpretation of the Edith Piaf songbook, crafting her own verses and modern translations. A native of France who has called New York City home since she was 17, her work infuses French spirit with irreverent American humor. Over the past decade, she has collaborated with some of the City’s top jazz improvisers. Flo’s approach to music is kinesthetic. She believes that light and sound affect the human soul.