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Monday, June 3, 2024

#InauguralReview #MontagusGusto by #AlvaHolanda and #AndresMontes Since 2018 #645SecondAve at 35/36 #Manhattan

It's not who you know and it never has been.  It's WHOM YOU KNOW, and the latest, greatest, newest place we would like you to know about is by stellar wife and husband team of Alva Holanda and Andres Montes: Montagu's Gusto.  It's conveniently located at 645 Second Avenue in an unassuming, small spot that serves spectacular sandwiches and salads and more.
Montagu's Gusto opened in November 2018, and we're told they use all local ingredients.
There are LOTS of options here, and their menu is comprehensive.
Their menu is not unlike a game of Battleship.
We began with C5: Loving Murray Hill.
The C indicates Grilled Chicken.
Of the sandwiches, we liked this the best and it's not because we had it first.
It was the most talented.
Grilled chicken, mesclun, super fresh and warm roasted peppers, avocado and chicken await you, luxuriating on excellent focaccia.  Every ingredient was in terrific proportion to each other.
Next, meet S2: Charrua Bravo.
The name reminds us of Rio Bravo because we love Warner Brothers.
Charrua is the Indian Tribe from Uruguay, where Andres is from.  Alva is from Ecuador.
They met 18 years ago in 2006 working together and in the early 2000s they came to New York from their respective countries.
S indicates Steak Sandwich.
This one is skirt steak with fragrant chimchurri, artisan butter lettuce and tomato on a handmade softly roll.  
There is a lot of clucking going on here: a second chicken section is indicated by M and it means Crispy Chicken Sandwich.
Avid readers know of Peachy's Chicken Parm inclinations.
Chicken Milanese joins house-made Marinara and fresh mozzarella on a Filoncino Grinder Roll.  You might call it hero or sub.
Both of these were solid performances!
G means Gusto Select Sandwich: G3, above is The Droopy.
It's a nice cold one that hits the spot on a hot day like today!
Rare roast beef was terrific and generous in portion and partied with caramelized onions, arugula, pickled cucumber and horseradish on artisan sourdough.  We liked this sandwich second best.
Their name is after an Englishman named John Montagu, a poker player who wanted quick sandwiches.
And Gusto means you like it.
Ages ago we did review a place called The Earl of Sandwich but they are long gone in New York as far as we can tell-they look like they are still in other places.
We think the salads were spectacular in all their radiant freshness.
Note there are eight of them in the Chef-Designed section, which is what we considered.
We began with the Ultimate Cobb: well-cut romaine and baby spinach form the base nicely.  Grilled chicken, perfectly halved cherry tomatoes, avocado, cucumbers, raw beets, hard boiled egg, turkey bacon which is surprisingly good (Peachy prefers pig bacon) and normally crumbled blue cheese compose this salad.
You know Peachy is not a fan of blue cheese and both above and below they left it out for Ms. Pretty Picky.  The Ultimate Cobb was indeed Ultimate and we even liked the asiago peppercorn dressing which they graciously put on the side as we asked.
Next, skinny buffalo.
Everyone wants to be skinny this bathing suit season!
If you have had wings, this is the idea of that in a salad.
It is infinitely better because you don't have to deal with the gross bones!
Romaine, celery, sheered carrots, crispy Buffalo chicken and again, drumroll, we liked the ranch they make that they put on the side, and again, this comes with crumbled blue cheese for people other than picky Peachy.
Note in all cases the food looks exactly as we show you.
You win like Alva and Andres or we do not publish: these pictures are not edited.
Hello Caesar, above, was quite impressive and we liked the kale used as the base.
It's shredded too!
Chopped romaine joins the festivities, along with cherry tomatoes, croutons, Parmesan cheese and yes you want to add brussels sprouts because they do make it that much better, and chicken too! The dressing also was outstanding.  We loved the green sunflower seeds and black pepper also.
Note they are 3 for 3 in Peachy liking the salad dressing and we can tell you that nearly never happens, even with Peachy's Picks.
Finally, if you want a hot lunch or dinner, you can essentially design your own in "Hot Entrees."
Peachy chose wild salmon, grilled vegetables, and organic brussels sprouts above and grilled chicken, steamed broccoli which was fresh and crisp and flavorful baked sweet potatoes.  Lemon tahini comes on the side.

Montagu's Gusto impressed us and we look forward to seeing what they do next!

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