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Thursday, July 11, 2024

A Peachy's Pick Since 2012 El Pote Espanol #ElPote #ElPoteEspanol @elPoteEspanol Since 1977 by New Owners Nicolas Ahuatl and Juan Costa Summer 2024 #WhomYouKnow #PeachysPicks @ManhattanPeachy #PeachyDeegan

Owner Nicolas Ahuatl is dedicated to showcasing the best of Spain and Galicia as a region in particular to New York.
He carries on the storied tradition started in 1977 by Enrique and Jose!!!
As much as we love France, Spain won in soccer and plays England Sunday, and you ought to know the Spanish Restaurant that we have been to the most often in our fifteen years is El Pote, a Peachy's Pick for a DOZEN YEARS.  Actions speak louder than words, readers!  Here you can see them in this year's Peachy's Picks where they are close to the top because of their repeat excellence and dedication.
Baby it is HOT outside and cold Queso Manchego-imported from Spain of course, with anchovy-stuffed olives also from Spain will hit the spot and cool you down immediately.
Although Peachy is in love with hot sizzling garlic shrimp, admittedly it is less attractive when it is 100F here in Manhattan.  The simplicity of Cocktail de Gambas: Shrimp cocktail, is perfection this summer and an all-time classic that the horrendous ridiculous lesser trendy places totally miss with their silly ideas.  You can find it here and they command your attention!  You will happily pierce them with the correct fork they give you without you having to ask for it, and they will cannonball into the cocktail sauce.
We hate when we have to ask for seafood forks. 
All Peachy's Picks know better and you automatically get it.
If not, there's Letters to the Peachy!  We want to know.
Champiniones Rellenos, Stuffed Mushrooms, are simply exquisite and the fab five are partying in garlic, crabmeat and scallops: a perfect combination.  It's fragrant and piping hot and you'll enjoy it anytime of year.  Sangria is best enjoyed now, particularly to celebrate that soccer win, and at El Pote, it packs a powerful punch with oranges, apples, lemons, red Spanish wine, brandy and triple sec.  It goes with everything!
We are still calling Nicolas a new owner out of our love and respect for Enrique and Jose, but he is not at all new.  He has been at El Pote since the early 1990s off the top of our head and every time we visited before he was an owner we knew him as a waiter.  If you've read our other reviews, you know that Gazpacho is spectacular right now.  We tried to feature items we haven't had in a long time this visit.
To that end, we tried the soup of the day: Galician Soup.  It arrives super hot as soup should, so hold your horses and let it cool a bit.  Chicken, pork, white beans and collard greens team up for a colorful, captivating mix.  The Avocado Mango Salad is always a winner!  We hope to see even more green salads on their menu, but for now this is the only one.  Perfectly halved cherry tomatoes, expertly sliced onions, lettuce and of course avocados and mangoes are an enticing celebration of refreshment in this sweltering weather in New York right now: day 7 of the second heatwave this year...
Learn some more Spanish with Camarones en En Salsa Verde: Shrimp in Green Sauce!  Garlic, onions, olive oil and parsley ravish these little swimmers that will live happily ever after in your stomach, and the Pescado Del Dia - broiled - was Branzino when we visited El Pote.  It's light and satisfying with crispy, flaky freshness that goes so well with their smashing creamed spinach!
Finally, a carnivorous wonder not to ignore is the Chuleta de Cerdo: Pork Chop sauteed with onions, mushrooms, Pimentos and wine.  Those Pimentos especially hit the high note and accentuate it to perfection.  And note all Pork Chops are not nearly as fantastic as this one here and we never ever edit pictures: it looks exactly this gorgeous.  It did not live long close to Peachy, who delicately devoured it.  It arrived in style with Ejotes Verdes: green beans with roasted garlic, Peachy's favorite vegetable.
Original Flan caramel custard and a Cappuccino sealed the deal on a lovely hit again by El Pote!
El Pote continues to Earn Our Highest Recommendation.

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