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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

#InauguralReview #Marsanne by #IgorDrca #MiljanKomnenic and #MilosKostadinovic #233EighthAvenue at #22ndStreet #Chelsea #Manhatttan

Peachy is in love with the Salmon as she sips Marsanne bien sur
Sip Marsanne at Marsanne like Peachy!
It's never been who you know, it's WHOM YOU KNOW and we know The Consulate and it is the one and only Peachy's Pick from 2021 that is still a Peachy's Pick!  It's owned by the famous twins plus Igor Drca and Miljan Komnenic, and Igor and Miljan in May of 2024 started the absolute best new restaurant in Chelsea along with Milos Kostadinovic, on its way to becoming the best restaurant in Chelsea, period.
Meet Marsanne!
Peachy is a confirmed francophile, and mes amis vous savez que la marsanne est un cépage du nord du Rhône.  In English: Marsanne is a Northern Rhone grape; it can be standalone by itself but it's better blended.  OBVIOUSLY, we sipped Marsanne at Marsanne and you should too.
It's absolutely gorgeous inside, quite modern and clean, and pays homage to the Serbian heritage of the owners through the plates.  With a Mediterranean flair and French niche, Marsanne has 150 coveted seats that are waiting for you, so here's why you want to go!
The shrimp might be the best reason.
We are huge fans of shrimp, partially because Peachy is one herself.  This shrimp is a firework of a start by Marsanne and four of them luxuriate on chorizo, onion, peppers and spicy tomato stew.
It was absolutely standout and spectacularly delicious from the searing of the shrimp to the accompaniments which made it interesting without overdoing it.
Of course as always, Peachy worked with the owner only and we were delighted to see Igor's smiling face and his winning attitude with his newest hit.  Marsanne is owned by Igor Drca, Miljan Komnenic and Milos Kostadinovic. 
Yes, they are aesthetically motivated.
Pictures speak louder than words and as always are unedited.
Beauty is the truth here.
The other appetizer we tried were the pan-seared scallops, which were seared exactly as we had hoped.  Cauliflower puree, eggplant caponata and pine nuts joined the party and this is a summer accolade you'd enjoy.  There are a total of ten appetizers currently on their menu and we know from The Consulate that their pasta would be fabulous.  If you are not a meat or fish eater, opt for the Risotto, below.  The striking presentation of mushrooms, asparagus, parmesan, and truffle butter makes vegetables decadent again!  It's sure to be a winner year-round.
If your cavatelli doesn't smile at you like that, that's one more reason to go to Marsanne!
Peachy's favorite pasta on this first visit was the Cavatelli with the Seafood Ragout, further confirmed by the unique yet not ridiculous Tomato-Basil Pesto.  All ingredients were proportionally perfect and it was among the first items to magically disappear from this review in totality.  Actions speak louder than words, readers.  If you are feeling adventurous, go for the Agnolotti which quite literally has a taste explosion of carbonara filling and is joined by hearty smoked confit chicken and chicken jus.
We are carnivores here so of course we were curious about the Hanger Steak.  It has a zippy flavor that will fascinate you and as you see it is Medium Rare as we ordered.  Green Peppercorn sauce enthusiastically envelops the steak and it's also accompanied by asparagus of quality.
Igor's favorite he tells us is the Branzino, and if you are a texture aficionado, you'll adore the crunchy sundried tomato and fennel medley that accentuates the poisson.  Tapenade sauce rounds out the majestic entree.
The day we visited, this was the signature Marsanne and we found it to be summer perfection and versatile to go with our whole meal, even steak.
Aside from the Shrimp appetizer, the Faroe Island Salmon was Peachy's favorite of the night. Absolutely deserving of your attention, the salmon was a perfect medium as we asked the first time and the freshness and flavor was outstanding.  Every bite of the roasted cauliflower was confirmation that nutrition can be delicious if you are at the right restaurant, and the romesco sauce with almonds on top gave it style like a little black dress: just right, not too little, not too much.  A lot of new places that pop up and die all over New York overdo it with ridiculous trends that will invariably come and go.  We believe Marsanne is here to stay.
The Executive Chef of Marsanne is Zivko Radojcic, and the day we visited we were lucky to also work with fantastic female staff Marta Stijepovic, Event Planner, and Jelena Rukavina, Server.
In the world according to Peachy, chocolate is the right answer for dessert and in the summer, of course you cannot beat chocolate ice cream and it's just right at Marsanne.
She also likes ice cream on apple pie because this is America.
Marsanne really impressed us on our first visit and we can't wait to see what they do next!  It should be your priority today.

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