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Monday, August 19, 2024

#InauguralReview #JuliensBoulangerie by #JulienKhalaf #RonnyKaj and #PerInglander Since 2021 as a Brand, Since January 2023 at 1431 York Avenue Upper East Side Manhattan

Founder and Owner of Julien's Boulangerie, Julien Khalaf with the outstanding Parisian Ham and Gruyere Baguette, truly a work of art from its origins to its design to its flavor
Everything is BERRY excellent.
Bien sur mes amis there are croissants.  Not just any croissant either: this one's sesame seed.
It's so gorgeous you might hear it whisper: No autographs please!  As it marches on the runway to your stomach it will strike the ultimate pose on your palate.
Everything here is ridiculously delicious, fresh and authentic.
And gorgeous.  Because it's French.  100 percent.
Bonjour indeed!  At Whom You Know, we have simple taste.  We like the best.  You better believe it's going to be the meilleur moment of your day.
It is among the most authentic and delicious French culinary experiences you will enjoy in New York!
Julien hit a culinary home run at his first at bat on Whom You Know and you know it's never who you know, it's WHOM YOU KNOW and also mes amis it's QUI TU CONNAIS-yes hit translate to French on the right.  Bien sur!
Your tastebuds will be doing cartwheels of joy and send a message to your stomach that your entire gastronomic being will say: Enchante, Julien!  And also to Ronny and Per. All three own Julien's Boulangerie equally.  On our first visit ever, Peachy Deegan worked with Julien himself directly at the York Avenue location.
Oui oui you all better learn French and improve your life!
Julien tells you:
My name is Julien
Welcome to my bakery
I was born and grew up in Paris, France and I went to Pastry School in Paris where I learned to be a chef.  When I arrived in the USA, I worked as Executive Chef for Francois Payard (bonjour Francois looks like we are Facebook friends!) for ten years....
 Bien sur mes amis you want to indulge in your caffeine of choice to start off your visit with a bang.  Of course Peachy had cappuccino and drumroll please, THEY HAVE SKIM MILK.  Everyone knows that picky Peachy does not like fat in her milk and in her world, milk only comes from a cow, LA VACHE.
Peachy is a double cupper because you know you want to see her hands live to 30,000 posts.  At least.
Sipping your coffee, you will find it of utmost importance to learn that Julien Khalaf is from Paris, grew up in Le Blanc and spent five years in Culinary School in Argenton, France: four years in general culinary school and one year in pastry.  Julien first arrived in the USA in 2010, and worked for Francois Payard from 2011 to 2019.  Le Petit Paris began in 2019 by Julien, a commercial wholesale bakery in Queens.  A special collection is made DAILY at Le Petit Paris for all four Julien Boulangerie locations and it is one criteria of many that makes this place several steps above its competition.  Le Petit Paris also bakes commercially for others.
We LOVE this vertical company philosophy by Julien, Ronny and Per and this is what the best do.
In 2021, the first Julien Boulangerie began in Park Slope, Brooklyn.
The second began at Madison and 96th in the best part of town, obviously the Upper East Side, in November 2022.  This York Avenue location opened in January 2023, and the newest kid on the block opened in August 2023 at 3rd avenue and 72nd, making it the most geographically desirable bakery with three locations on the Upper East Side!  Huge applause from Mademoiselle Peachy.
From the baguette that they personally made in their commercial bakery in Queens quite early in the morning on the day you get your sandwich to the Isigny butter from France to the ham sourced from a local French butcher in New Jersey (remember, Alain Delon almost became a butcher!  Say a prayer for him please-Peachy is in deep mourning), this announces with pride that it will be the quintessential sandwich of your summer as soon as your palate says Enchante! 
You need the Parisian Ham and Gruyere Baguette in your life.  We don't throw around the word perfect often.  This is perfect.
Yes, Peachy is a Deegan, not a vegan, and the Roast Beef Baguette said Salut, Peachy! off the menu and leaped into our carnivorous hearts with its salute to meat connoisseurs.  Joined by that spectacular butter and gruyere aforementioned, the Roast Beef will not leave you asking where's the beef.  All items are in perfect proportion and this is jazzed up even more with caramelized onions and fresh arugula.
As we are in the month of August, on the lighter side you ought to opt for the Pesto Mozzarella Baguette, joined by perfectly sliced tomatoes.  The ultimate freshness is found in every element you encounter in the authenticity of Julien's Boulangerie.
We never assign numbers to the reviews as we want to you to read, listen and act upon what we say, and very few brand new places to us have done as well as Julien's Boulangerie on our first visit.
As always, the pictures are unedited.  Everything looks exactly as amazing as you see here.  The turkey gruyere sesame seed croissant is savory to the hilt and the precision with which it's crafted is of utmost excellence. The turkey and cheese is sliced not too thick and not too thin: just right for Goldilocks Peachy, who loved it so much she did not share with the three Bears or even Pooh.  All other croissants when they grow up want to be like the croissants at Julien's Boulangerie.
As it is summer, we opted for the Quiche Lorraine on the cool side.  Crafted with the signature bespoke croissant dough, this creamy, eggy wonder will enrapture your taste buds with perfect punctuations of ham.  JAMBON!  And for the sweeter side, Julien wanted us to try the Coconut Flan, also made with that spectacular croissant dough which adds the perfect flair of crispiness to the shaved coconut.  Nothing artificial here ever: nothing but the real thing, baby.
Peachy absolutely LOVES berries anytime of year, especially when they are in season right now.  You will not find a better berry tart anywhere, and it will make all your dessert dreams realized complete with vanilla pastry cream as a base.
Well, Alain Allegretti would agree that it's so much nicer in Nice, and to that end meet the Nice Salad complete with Kalamata Olives, tuna, anchovies, tomato, egg, green bell peppers and greens.  They listened and put the dressing on the side as we asked!  The Caesar salad is a total classic with chicken.
In the world according to Peachy, there are two kinds of desserts: chocolate, and not chocolate. Check this beauty out, smiling at you.  Chocolate Banana Loaf is the most delicious chocolate item you have not had in your life prior and it's highly deserving of your inclusion with its tantalizing moistness and flavor perfection, Cookie Monster take note you should have brought this to the Olympics.
Julien Boulangerie is Highly Recommended by Whom You Know.
We cannot WAIT to see what they do next and are quite confident that success will be all theirs in future culinary endeavors on the horizon.

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