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Monday, August 12, 2024

#InauguralReview @LeToutVaBien #LeToutVaBien by #VincentCaro Since 1949 #311West51stStreet #Midtown #Manhattan

Peachy Deegan adored Crevettes Persillees and Steak Frites perfectly medium rare as ordered with standout fries
It's not who you know, it's WHOM YOU KNOW and now we know Le Tout Va Bien and on our first visit ever, it performed well: everything was fine and it literally translates.  It began in 1949 and we understand the original owner was Nino, a soccer player from Marsailles and then Jean Pierre Touchard was the second owner.  Today, it's owned by Executive Chef Vincent Caro.  He opened it May 16, 2024 and we hope we are the first to review it!  Even though it's August, the French Onion Soup was still stellar, and we surmise it's even moreso on a cold day.  Le Tout Va Bien is approachable and specializes in French classics.
We are huge advocates of salads and having a solid salad repertoire is important to us!  We suggest you add a component to the Caesar Salad: we chose Chicken, and note they are excellent listeners should you choose a modification.  Everyone knows Peachy is not a fan of anyone's goat cheese, so the Salade de betteraves and Chevre was modified for her to skip that component.  The roasted beetroot was brilliantly diced and were joined by enticing caramelized walnuts, parsley and shallots.  They put the dressing on the side as requested by Ms. Uberpicky.
Peachy Deegan goes wild for escargot in garlic and parsley butter, and we see it is on the menu here.  However, they also have shrimps prepared the same way so we decided to expand our horizons and try Crevettes Persillees.  It was superlative and was absolutely the strongest component of the review.  Be certain to deliciously utilize bread in soaking up every last ounce of that savory sauce after your shrimps magically disappear in your stomach, to live happily ever after.
You cannot have a successful French restaurant in Manhattan without having a commanding Steak Frites, and it's a winner at Le Tout Va Bien.  Grassfed New York Strip Steak brings peppercorn sauce to the party and the fries were absolutely outstanding and right up there with the green garlic parsley sauce.  Believe it or not, not every restaurant serves you medium rare when you order medium rare, but based on our one experience so far, Le Tout Va Bien can be counted on to follow the order perfectly.  We never edit pictures, you excel or you are not published.
The wonderful medium rare of Le Tout Va Bien:
Some venues might have a strong carnivorous suit but lesser so on fish.
Le Tout Va Bien is strong all around and we loved the Saint Jacques Grillees: dry sea scallops over risotto and porcini sauce the most!  They were delicate and sensationally flavored and the richness will win you over.  Saumon grille is a play on the lighter, healthier side and this was also executed at a lovely medium rare as ordered.  Ratatouille and thyme jus form the base for this poisson to luxuriate upon.  Finally, everyone will totally go wild for the intoxicatingly delicious Lobster Mac and Cheese!  The lobster itself was a superstar and it waltzes in truffled cream and cheddar cheese.  It could be even more fun if they change up the pasta shape.

The angel on Peachy's shoulder reminded her how green vegetables are a great idea, particularly in bathing suit season.  Both the Haricot Verts (green beans) and the Asparagus were fresh and stood out well.  Do not miss the spectacular pictures on the wall chronicling the amazing history of this venue, and note that this French approachable spot is friendly and authentic which you don't always find at French spots!  It was another wonderful opportunity for Mademoiselle Peachy to practice her French and typically rave about Alain Delon.  Although Le Tout Va Bien is older, the interior boasts a new floor and new furniture today.

We opted for the Vacherin: red fruit meringue and naturally Peachy liked the ice cream the best, particularly when it was melty as she personally prefers it.  Beautiful and captivating!
Manager William and server Romain Courtois, brothers, were a pleasure to work with.
We look forward to seeing what they do next!

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