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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

#SalvosPizzaBar by family #XhenetaMucaCami #AntoninaCami and #Brothers #ImerCami and #FeritCami #1477YorkAve at 78th #UpperEastSide Returns to #PeachysPicks It was First a Peachy's Pick in 2013

Owner Xheneta Muca Cami with her favorite delicious Chicken Marsala of Salvo's Pizza Bar
Peachy's favorite Chicken Santorini
Salvo's Salad Special

It's not who you know, it's Whom You Know and we're delighted to remind you about the reopening of Salvo's Pizza Bar on the Upper East Side by brothers Imer and Ferit Cami!  They took over at Salvo's Pizza Bar on March 1, 2023 and are the new owners.  They earned a return feature in the spring of 2023.  You should know they are quite personable and go way beyond the pizza!
And, drumroll please, everyone knows that the best girls in New York hail from the greater Hartford area; you just need to look as far as Katharine Hepburn to know that; check her out here with Alain Delon-hopefully they are both reading upstairs now.
Salvo's Pizza Bar does indeed go way beyond the pizza and the Cami brothers have shown great intelligence in putting Ferit's wife at the helm: Xheneta Muca Cami!  We were delighted to meet and work with her for the first time and the double greater Hartford accent in conversation was fabulous.  Put your phone down and go to 78th and York, order, smile at her, shake her hand and pronounce her name: Jinetta.  Her sparkling personality and genuine care in hospitality in addition to their super salads and entrees have re-elevated Salvo's Pizza Bar to returning to our list of favorites on Peachy's Picks, where it first earned status in 2013.
First, meet the Salvo's Salad Special.  If you put your name in a dish, we probably want to eat it because that tells us you think it's something special.  Often picky Peachy likes to edit out salad components but not here.  The baby spinach is a revelation with artichokes, a highly underrepresented salad item, shaved parmigiano and kalamata olives were fresh, delicious and in perfect proportion.  In all cases when we asked for the dressing on the side, they happily complied.  Lemon and evoo graced the presence in the background and it was a nice highlight.
Next, meet Healthy Salad.
It's defined by Mesclun, dried cranberry, walnuts, goat cheese and pears and accentuated with a lovely raspberry vinaigrette.  Note avid readers know Peachy does not care for goat cheese anywhere so they omitted it.  Again, it was simple yet creative.
Chicken Santorini is Peachy's favorite entree here, and it again impressed us.  The chicken was moist and perfectly sauteed with artichokes and capers in a stellar white wine sauce.  Salvo's may appear to be a casual spot, but the taste in this dish is pinkies-out-white-tablecloth.  All entrees are served with a side and the side salad was terrific.  You could also get a pasta or vegetable side if you wish.
Peachy is a Chicken Parm monster, akin to the Cookie Monster, and the Chicken Parm Grinder (people say Grinder in Connecticut and it is the same thing as Hero in New York or Sub in Boston) absolutely hit the spot and was as good as our previous visit.
We are proponents of being healthy when we go out to eat, and both the sauteed broccoli, which we did like a hint better and the sauteed spinach up the Salvo's Pizza game and are deserving companions to whatever you order.  The garlic that joined the party in both cases was perfect.
We love Caesar Salad and the romaine and freshly shaved parmigiano were the perfect mattress to a generous amount of ideally grilled chicken.  And, if you don't like meat, the Eggplant Parm is just as spectacular as the Chicken Parm and we particularly loved it with linguine.  
As always, pictures are not edited ever. 
You excel like Xheneta and team or we do not publish.
See the Chicken Marsala smile for its closeup:
We are always interested in learning what a venue we like thinks they are best at and the Chicken Marsala is Xheneta's personal favorite.  It's amazing and decadent complete with mushrooms in a rich marsala sauce and we chose for linguine to sing backup here.
As a side note at the end of this review, Xheneta told us her family had been in the restaurant business in Connecticut and owned Milano's in Winsted.  As it is a small world, Peachy found out her Dad used to go there after waterskiing at Highland Lake, so Xheneta and Peachy were genetically inclined to work together and never knew it.  Until now!
Peachy again Picks Salvo's Pizza Bar!
We look forward to seeing their great work continue and absolutely go say hi to Xheneta and indulge in her fabulous creations.

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