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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

#InauguralReview #BenoitNewYork @BenoitNY by #AlainDucasse Led by #JulienMoreno in New York, General Manager and Sommelier Guru of Nimes, France and Executive Chef Alberto Marcolongo of Verona, Italy #60West55thStreet #Midtown #Manhattan

General Manager and Sommelier Guru Julien Moreno leads Benoit New York by Alain Ducasse
Our United Nations of Dinner: Italy, USA and France
Executive Chef Alberto Marcolongo, Peachy Deegan, and General Manager and Sommelier Guru Julien Moreno of Benoit New York by Alain Ducasse

Born in 1956 on a farm in the Landes region, Alain Ducasse discovered the tastes of produce at an early age.  At 16, the young cook entered a restaurant in France's southwest, then left to train with chefs such as Michel Guérard, Gaston Lenôtre, Alain Chapel and Roger Vergé, with whom he discovered provincial cuisine.  In 2005, Alain Ducasse became the first chef to have 3 restaurants awarded with 3 Michelin stars at the same time.
"Happiness is Escargot at Benoit."
-Peachy Deegan
It's not who you know, it's WHOM YOU KNOW and we know SOMMELIER SUPERSTAR Julien Moreno, now at Benoit New York!  Julien's from Nimes, France, near Montpelier and Avignon.  It's a Roman Vestige City with the biggest acqueduct built by the Romans. Our readers will remember him from his Whom You Know debut in 2011 linked above, and now he's back with a new Alain: Alain Ducasse!  Benoit is the New York location of this brand and they also have a location in Las Vegas in the USA. In the meantime, Julien worked at Bettany and joined Benoit in 2019 as Wine Director and became the General Manager in July 2022.  
This is our first visit ever to Benoit, and we understand it began in 2008 and Alain Ducasse does come here two to three times a year, which we commend and philosophically agree with as normally we only work with the brand owner.  Alain, we hope to meet you!
Peachy's favorite French person of all time is of course Alain Delon as avid readers know, and he joined her virtually as her screensaver.  Who knows, maybe another day she will B.Y.O.B. (bring your own Benoit.)
We were graciously greeted with cheese puff amuse-bouche and water with no ice and lemon wedges, preferred by Peachy.  Benoit is strikingly gorgeous from every angle and there is no aesthetic detail that has not been attended to on these premises.
Given his superior knowledge of the wine industry, Julien Moreno suggested this 2016 Pessac-Leognan Esprit de Chavalier composed of 45% Cabernet Sauvignon, 45% Merlot and 10% Petit Verdot.  We were ravished by its depth, intricacy of flavor and amazing versatility throughout the Benoit experience.
Everyone knows from our annual press releases that the second language of Whom You Know is French, and you ought to learn it too!  (If you see the same thing written twice in English, it is because Google translate has translated the French but you can be assured the original was bilingual.)
Pour commencer, Peachy Deegan coveted the six sensational Escargot in classic fashion, each topped off with a crouton.  
The exquisite snails danced in parsley butter and garlic and of course jumped on the correct fork into happiness forever in Peachy's stomach.   Julien suggested the Tarte flambee: thin bread dough emblazoned with cream, onions, bacon, and a wonderful combination of comte and american cheese.  It may sound simple, but the ratio and flavor combination is a total home run.
Confit Cod is sure to please and is perfect if you want an entree on the lighter side.  Charred corn and basil and olive oil sing backup to the poisson that is further elevated with citron.  (lemon!)  If you have not had Quenelles de brochet at Benoit New York, you simply are not living your best life.  What is a quenelle Mademoiselle Peachy?  It's a mixture of creamed fish or meat.  Julien recommended this dish and these little beauties are of Pike Fish and waltz in a beyond gorgeous lobster bisque with crayfish baked in cognac and cream, called Nantua sauce.  Words and visuals cannot do this hot number justice so you will just have to march yourself to Benoit to try it.  We absolutely cannot wait to say ENCHANTE to this one again!  Certainly it's what Eloise at the Plaza is ordering for dinner.
It will be immensely obvious to you why this is one of their most famous dishes.
Plain rice comes to the fete.  The fragrance will immediately awaken your senses and be careful because it's hot.
Every standout bistro has got to have a great steak, and the seven ounce Filet Mignon aux poivres announces that Benoit New York is here to win.  The richness of flavor and sublime cut will wow all carnivores!  We ordered it medium rare and it arrived perfectly the first time.  
Of course avid readers know that Haricots Verts are Peachy's favorite vegetable and they have them here bien sur mes amis avec shallots.  Executive Chef Alberto Marcolongo hails from Verona, Italy (you know, Romeo and Juliet!) and perfectly executes the Alain Ducasse vision of Lyonnais classic dishes.  Alberto joined the brand in 2019 as Executive Sous Chef and has been with Alain Ducasse for nine years, and has been Executive Chef of Benoit New York since 2022.
Ms. Uberpicky asked for the dressing on the side and they happily complied.
Please meet the perfect Mixed Green Salad.
Server Vincent Leurin (above) is among the best waiters you'll meet and has been here for a year; we understand half the staff is authentically from France.  We were also delighted to meet server Marin Ambrocio and every staff member was on the ball and had impeccable manners, as you might expect.
In the world according to Peachy, the right answer for dessert is often chocolate or apple pie and to that end, the Tarte Tatin was the final firework of the night.  It's divine to discover in all its golden apple richness complete with creme fraiche and is sure to please everyone.  Note if you are new to us, we never edit pictures.  You excel like Alain, Julien and Alberto or we do not publish.
Benoit New York has earned our Highest Recommendation and we cannot wait to see what they do next.

Their website tells us:
Benoit New York is a contemporary French bistro by Alain Ducasse. In August 2016, Alain Ducasse transformed the original Benoit into a more modern 21st century dining destination. While the updated look still retains traditional French bistro elements, such as the signature red velvet banquettes, the lighter color palette and brand new Wine Bar bring a breath of fresh air to the heart of Midtown Manhattan.

DUCASSE Paris, fondée par le célèbre chef aux 20 étoiles Michelin, développe en France et à l'International des activités centrées sur l'univers de la gastronomie et de l'hospitalité : 34 restaurants dans 8 pays, 2 auberges de luxe : « Les Maisons d'Alain Ducasse », la formation, le conseil, « Les Collectionneurs » (chaîne hôtelière regroupant 585 adhérents), La Manufacture de chocolat et La Manufacture de Café. DUCASSE Paris, c’est avant tout des hommes et des femmes passionnés qui partagent une ambition commune : procurer du bonheur aux clients, leur faire vivre une expérience inoubliable, être créateur d’enchantement. Cette quête repose essentiellement sur le talent de nos collaborateurs, ils sont un élément clé du succès. C’est pourquoi notre politique de recrutement s'inscrit dans une vision à long terme : nous avons à cÅ“ur de développer les potentiels et de reconnaître la valeur du travail.
About the Paris Benoit history from their website:

A rich history

More than 100 years: a venerable age for this Parisian bistro which continues to carry the colors of the bistro tradition in the heart of Paris. The dynasty began with Benoit Matray who bought the restaurant in 1912 and gave it his name. A butcher by trade with an excellent memory for taste, he made it a must, welcoming customers as a generous and good-natured friend. Benoit’s became a very popular address for both the traders of Les Halles (which, at the time, was home to the huge and very lively Paris market) and artists.

In 1961, his grandson, Michel Petit, succeeded him at the head of Benoit as soon as he graduated from the Paris hotel school.

Remaining faithful

Many changes were made: installation of a private lounge on the first floor, renovation of the kitchen, enlargement of the restaurant room… Michel Petit also recalled the old mother Marie, author of a book of recipes that had made the place a success. His wife, Catherine Petit, designed the plates and the trompe-l’oeil in the living room, and the pyrographer Lesage, a faithful customer, came up with the now famous slogan: “Chez toi, Benoit, on boit, festoie, en rois” (At your place, Benoit, we drink, feast, like kings), and personalised the menu with very festive drawings, to which Catherine Petit would later add her own touch.

In April 2005, the Petit family decided to sell Benoit to Maison Ducasse. Chef Ducasse followed in the footsteps of his predecessors and carefully maintained the bistro spirit of Benoit. Moreover, he gave the brand an international visibility by opening, in September 2005, a Benoit bistro in Tokyo and another one, in 2008, in New York.

The bistro spirit in every detail

Push the door and come to discover Benoit in its warm and comfortable atmosphere. From tile to woodwork, from red velvet seats to brass, from engraved glass windows to fake marble columns, from the lightings to the bar, from the huge mirrors to the art paintings, the whole decoration gives a peaceful feeling and a sensation of time travel. On the upper floor, a private room with a large oval table welcomes the guests. The paintings on the wall, the terracotta tiles, the decorative panels above the doors and the fireplace will make you feel at home.
The bistro excellence

Bistro cuisine is a repertoire and above all a spirit. The great classics are there, executed with skill and even more love: pâté en croûte and snails in their shells, black pudding and sweetbreads, profiteroles and savarin, to name but a few. Kelly Jolivet, the chef, masters them with talent. She adds a touch of creativity so that this gastronomic heritage remains a gourmet pleasure today. The wines are just as good: by the glass (don’t miss Georges Duboeuf’s pouilly-fuissé served in magnum!), by the pitcher and of course in beautiful bottles from Beaujolais, Bourgogne and the Vallée du Rhône. As the saying goes, “At Benoit, drinking and feasting like kings”

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