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Monday, November 4, 2024

#DAYLIGHT @BusinessFrance #ChampagneWishes #KeepingFranceonTop #FrancePeachy Whom You Know #PeachyDeegan Was Delighted to Meet #RepubliqueFrancaise #TasteFrance In New York October 28, 2024

 Thank you to Business France for including us in Tastin' France on October 28, 2024.  Ooooh la la Mademoiselle Peachy was so happy to join you.
What could be better than spending time with Business France and French wine all day?  Well, dinner with Julien and Alberto at Benoit by Alain Ducasse is pretty amazing too...stay tuned for more.  
We will be reaching out to brand owners for possible feature and possible recommendation; here are some promising owners who travelled to New York that we enjoyed meeting!  Of course we said Enchante.  You can say Enchante too virtually and here's who you should meet:

Caroline Teycheney, Vignobles Jade plus CONGRATULATIONS she got engaged in New York and check out her ring: it's shaped like a bunch of grapes!
Christine Seveillano, Champagne Piot-Sevillano!
Pierre-Michel Tardy and Franck Malassigne, Corsican Group Uval
Victoire Le Dorze,  Bonisson Chateau
Hubert and Pierre Lugagne Delpon, Domaine Saint Martin d'Agel